
842 54 45

Several years ago

South France


There it was. His target.

He adjusted the grip around the binoculars, zooming into her, or rather her daringly décolleté dress, between the carved bars. No, he had to focus. He heaved them, pausing on her face instead. Her face was calm or so it seemed behind the lace mask that was covering her eyes. She was sitting there in the armchair, hands folded on her lap. Her white wedding dress neatly falling over her legs.
As the old man beside her in his exaggarrated imbroded long robe and jewel-covered hands and neck was talking with big gestures to his people in front of her, no one noticed her ring opening and her guiding it to her lips. Taking something out of it with her tongue. A small white pill.

No one saw. No one but him.

He smirked in his stash over the altar. "What are you planning, love?"

He curiously observed her standing up then when the man looked at her and she walked up to him. Suddenly pulling him in by the collar of his long robe and kissing him passionately. She backed off then, smiling widely. Did she -?
The man laughed, stopping abrubtly then. Coughing. He stumbled backwards then, laughing again. Eventually falling down. Not moving. Everyone rushed towards him, chaos breaking out. Chaos she used to retreat and make her way out of the altar hall.

Sneaky, he thought and scrunched to the back stairs, planning to go after her. He ran along the corridor, hearing gunshots being fired from downstairs. Looking over the railing, he spotted her pulling out a beretta from her décolleté and firing behind her. Someone did notice her sudden absence after all.

"Dammit," he muttered. He couldn't let them get her before he could. He looked around, trying to find any way to distract them or blocking their way. His eyes falling on the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, lined up above the downstairs corridor. An idea popping up in his mind then.
He took his walter-ppk out from its holster under his blazer and shot at the chain of the chandelier in front of him. Not enough to make it fall, but enough to loosen it. The chain being connected to a rope that was slung through all chandeliers. Already spotting the guys coming down the hallway. He stepped a foot on the railing and jumped, grabbing the chandelier and swinging it with his body going back and forth. The chain broke and the chandelier, too heavy to be held in place by the rope, rushed down. Coming straight towards the thugs, who were more taken aback by him yelling "Here I come!" with a wide grin than of the actual heavy glass chandelier coming straight for their faces. Hitting them spot-on and knocking them off.

"Phew, that was close," he exhaled and wiped off sweat from his forehead, "Now gotta find the cutie." However, the victory didn't last long since he could already hear more of their buddies coming down. So he rushed towards the direction she had disappeared to.

In the meantime, she had reached a dead end. Trying frantically to open the shut doors, only to reveal a brick wall behind each of them. Although according to the blueprints there should be rooms behind them. It was a trap. There was no escaping now.

"Fck," she cursed and kicked yet another fake door shut when suddenly feeling a shockwave burning through her body and everything turning black as she lost her conscience.


Pain. A sudden rush of pain filled her body as her conscience slowly returned. She groaned weakly. Her eyes slowly opened again. The first thing they saw being the round full moon shining brightly through one of the old cathedral's high windows. She was apparently laying on the cold stone ground. Her eyelids fell shut only to open again and she turned her head. Everything spinning when her eyes landed on a guy with a dark blue blazer casually sitting against the wall. One leg bent, his arm propped on it.

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