
44 6 16

Mexico City


Arabella was browsing through the folders in the file cabinet. Trying to find the right one and eventually doing so, pulling out. Her eyes skimming over it when the door behind her shot open.

"Hands up! I'm arresting you, Arabella Valentine!"

She exhaled deeply, taking off the mask and wig. Turning around then, she held her hands up when facing the young woman pointing a gun towards her. She cocked her head bored then. "You look familiar, do I know you?" The woman seemed astonished for a moment before focusing again. "I'm agent Blake, Interpol. We've met before." She sounded almost offended that Arabella didn't remember her.
"Oh right!" Arabella laughed then, nodding. "A few months ago when you guys were after me and the guys. So pops' here, too?"
Confused about who she meant, Skylar slowly grabbed her radio out. "Jeon? I got her. In the archive of the third floor."
"Got it."
"Kookie's here, too?" Arabella asked amused. A rhetorical question, she knew they had all been there. But what should she had done? She had to break into there nevertheless. However, her calmness irritated Skylar even more. Arabella not seeming nervous at all by being caught.

As Skylar was still pointing her gun towards her, she tried grabbing the handcuffs on her belt with her other hand. It was only a second that she was wasn't paying attention, but a second was enough for Arabella.
With a highkick she sent Skylar's gun to the other side of the room, grabbed her arm, twisted it behind her back and grabbed the handcuffs from her hand, cuffing her on another file cabinet. It was over before Skylar could even process what was going on.

"Convey my greetings to pops and Kookie," Arabella giggled and ran to the window. Jumping out of it right in time when the door opened and Jungkook and Seokjin were entering.
Throwing the hook with the rope onto the tall tree underneath her, she roped down to the waiting motorbike. Jimin's face lighting up when spotting her.

"Nice jump," he smiled as she got on the seat behind him. Wrapping her arms around his torso. He tried not to show how much he enjoyed that and kicked up the kickstand. Ready to drive off when they saw Seokjin appearing on the window in the third floor. "You two!"

"Oh hey, pops!" Jimin waved happily, lowering his sunglasses then. "Nice haircut. Is it new?"

"Actually, yes," Seokjin chuckled. Feeling flattered that Jimin noticed, before coming back to his senses and realising how inappropiate this was. Shaking his head, he got his radio out to inform security. "Don't you dare moving!"

"Sorry, pops," he smirked and squeezed the clutch lever all the way to the grip, "Important business. Maybe next time!"
And he drove, with Arabella's behind him. A feeling he could never get enough of.

Seokjin turned around, seeing Jungkook had freed Skylar from her handcuffs. The younger agent trying apologising when Seokjin just waved her off, not being upset at all. "You two come with me," he ordered then and they followed him out to the parked cars in the underground park deck. The tree would follow the two police cars, which were already rushing into the direction Jimin and Arabella had driven off to.

Their sirens roaring a few streets away from the two.

"God, Bella-baby. Did you have to break into a police station?" Jimin laughed, hearing them coming closer.
"I had to!" she protested sulky behind his back, "How should I know pops was interrogating some witness who saw you only a few rooms away?"
"You could've just retreated when finding out."
"I could not. I had to find the information."
He arched a brow, peeking behind his shoulder. "What info?"
"It was a job for some mexican millionaire."
They winded through cars that were blocking their way in a small traffic jam. Eventually escaping into a side street and driving into a less crowded neighbourhood.
"And did you find the info you were looking for?"
"I did," she smirked, "I always do." It hadn't been too difficult. She simply disguised, faked an ID card and walked in like she belonged there. Like she knew what she did there. It was all a question of attitude.

He led them to the other side of the city, eventually coming to an halt at some café in a narrow alley.
"What's the issue, Jimin? Why did you have to come all the way here to Mexico?" Arabella asked then, taking off her sunglasses. Flipping her now dyed-blond waves over her shoulder. The café was packed full. And loud. She didn't like crowded spaces, despite them being better for staying undiscovered. "Maybe I just missed you," he fake-pouted. Earning an evil glare from her.

"Jimin, seriously, if you only messed with me I will-" She already put her hands flat down on the table, ready to push her chair back when he grabbed her wrists, stopping her. He then dipped into his pockets and slid something over the tabletop towards her. She furrowed her brows, glancing around to make sure they weren't being observed by anyone, before grabbing the small metallic object from his hands.
"A bullet? So wha-" Her eyes grew round.
"You recognise it as well, right? I don't imagine things."

She slightly nodded. Her wide eyes still glued onto the bullet with the carved owl on it. It was as if she was in trance. Trying to process it. Her hand going instictively to the bracelet around her wrist. The bracelet she was always wearing. The bracelet she hadn't taken off for over twenty years.

"Where did you find this?"
"The backseat of my car. Broke the damn rarewindow."
She swallowed hard the lump that had formed in her throat. "So they were after you," she whispered, "That means they'll be after me as well. Of course, I was their main target after all."
"You know why now though?" Jimin asked, bending over to make sure she heard him even with his lowered voice. "Why now after all these years?"
"I don't know. I don't even understand why they're after you, since they obviously want me."
His lips tucked into a rueful smile and he grabbed her hands. Squeezing them when seeing her troubled face. "But love, isn't it obvious? I never completed the order of eliminating you. They're probably mad I just took half the money they had already given me and ran off."

Arabella couldn't help but giggle at his words and the way he grinned at her, so mischieviously. She pursed her lips then, nodding. "Right. That'd be a good reason to want you dead." She paused. "But why after so many years?"

Jimin shrugged and leaned back. Letting go of her. "Who knows. Maybe they had forgotten and suddenly remembered now."
"These guys don't simply forget," she objected, "They might have lost interest or not seeing it worth persuing. But they surely didn't just forget about it."
"Then something must've triggered their interest in killing us," Jimin concluded casually. Not looking threatened or scared at all. It wasn't the first time some other criminals wanted him dead. Same went for her. However, this time it was different. It was personal. And Jimin knew. He could see the affliction in her eyes. Even if she tried to hide it and act unbothered.
"How about we gang up on this one. I think it'd be saver for you to be with us."

She huffed and pulled back her hands. Folding her arms in front of her chest. "Why? Because the poor little girl can't defend herself?"
"Don't act silly, Bella-baby. I know you're not a weak little girlie. You can kick ass." Hell, she had already kicked his ass multiple times -and not in the pleasant way. "But we both know these guys have some personal score to settle with you. And me. And they're more dangerous than the average criminals we deal with. You out of all people should know better. So we're much saver by joining forces than on our own."
"You wouldn't be on your own anyway," she mumbled, twisting a curl around her finger, "You got your friends."
"But you'd be. And I'd be worried sick." Arabella suppressed the blushing that was creeping up her cheeks at the thought of him worrying about her. She knew he was right. She was much saver with the guys, but still. It hurt her pride a little.

"Yoongi and Taehyung don't like me anyway," she said then. "They won't agree."
Jimin groaned at her never-ending excuses, rolling his eyes. "I mean, can you blame them? You've run away with the loot on more than one occasion. Of course they don't trust you." He leaned in again, folding his arms on the table. "But they ain't jerks. They'll protect you if needed. And even if not, they'd do it for me."

Arabella contemplated for a moment, cheweing on her lip before eventually nodding. Giving in.
"Fine, but I want my own bedroom."
"Ouch, that hurt."


among thieves ✨ || bts • pjm [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora