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They gave each other a nod, a sign of aknowledging the other's presence but nothing more.
Jimin sighed, shaking his head. Well, at least they weren't on each other's necks. Yet.

Arabella took a seat on the armchair opposite of Taehyung who was cleaning his magnum. Crossing her legs. "And where's Yoongi? Did he dump you again?" She was referring to Yoongi occasionally disappearing, every few months, going to the mountains or sea to 'meditate' and 'perfect his swort art'. A true artist. "No, he went to get some food," Taehyung replied monotonously. Not taking his focus from his dear gun.
"Well, well, well," Jimin sang brightly, clapping his hands together and taking a seat. "What's with the grim mood?" He tried lightening the tight atmosphere, but Arabella and Taehyung kept silent. Making him humph. "Fine, I know what will get you two to smile again," he said then and pulled out something from his jacket. Placing it on the coffee table in front of them. It was the document they had stolen in Vienna and the sapphire they got in Tokyo.

Both finally perking up.

"What's this good for?" she asked, pointing at him as he started gliding the gem over the piece of paper.
Taehyung let out a dry laugh. "You don't know?"
"No, am I supposed to?"
"You did try getting that piece of paper as well after all."
"Yeah, but it was just a job. I didn't do it for myself."
Taehyung arched a brow at her, before focusing back on cleaning.
"Jimin, you think it's good to let her know?"
Arabella huffed, folding her arms in front of her. "I don't even wanna know."
"Nah, nah, guys. Please behave," Jimin chuckled. He didn't plan to reveal to her just yet what this was about. He only wanted to observe her reaction when seeing those objects. Clarifying she indeed didn't know the gem was making words disappear when reading the old document through it. However, a different question arose then. His fingers paused.
"Who were these guys who hired you back then?"

She shrugged. "You know we don't ask questions in this business."
"True, but I also know you always do your background checks," he smirked and he could see her bite back a smile. She shrugged then. "Just some rich contractor. Seemed like he had some debts to pay back."
"And he didn't hire you to get both, the document and sapphire?"
She frowned, shaking her head. "No. However, he did say that he'd also be in contact with someone else regarding a different job. Maybe that other person was hired for the jewel."
Jimin hummed and leaned back. Grabbing his chin while thinking it through. It was perhaps farfetched to assume it had anything to do with them getting into a hail of bullets in Japan, but in this kind of business the least things were mere coincidences.

The front door opened. Yoongi having returned with bags of take-out food. Stopping in his tracks when spotting the dyed-blonde sitting with his friends.
"Why didn't you tell me to bring more food?" he simply said then, walking up to them to put the bags down on the table.
"It's okay, don't bother," Arabella sighed and stood up. "I knew it'd be a bad idea to stay here anyway."
"No, Bella, please sit down," Jimin whined playfully as he grabbed her wrist. Tugging at it until she sat back down. "Let's just eat first." He could already feel his stomach rumbing and he didn't need anyone of them to be hangry.

While they shoved the food inside their mouth - Yoongi having somehow managed to find the only korean restaurant in Mexico City - Jimin explained his theory. The theory he had come up in the past three minutes.
"It might be a wild guess.." he began and shoved a mandu into his mouth. Munching on it. "But I believe the other one getting hired by that business man are our old friends from the organisation." Arabella almost chocking on her food, looking up at him with a serious glare which he recicopated. "I'm sorry, darling, but it's a possibility we can't ignore."
"It'd surely explain why they showed up after the heist," Yoongi nodded, slurping on his cold bean noodles. "They were pissed we got the sapphire before them."
Taehyung nodded while picking up another mandu. "And why they'd be after both of you again so many years later.."
"But if they're just mad you got the jewel before them, then we ain't sure they're after me, too," Arabella mumbled. Trying her best to suppress those memories that were threatening to break free from the back of her mind. "Maybe they're only after you three then."

"Possible, but we can't risk it," Jimin said then with a stern voice. Glancing at her. A hint of worry in his eyes. Making her gulp. She appreciated it. She really did, but he could be blowing things out of proportion. At least so she hoped so. That was what she wanted to believe.
"What -" Taehyung interrupted himself, chewing the mandu before swallowing it. "What if this business guy hears that we got both objects now?"
Jimin shrugged. "Perhaps hire those idiots to get them both back from us?"
"See, this has nothing to do with me," Arabella tried reasoning.
"Yeah, but you failed getting him one object, too. And you're known to have connections to us," Yoongi pointed out, finishing off his noodles, "Pretty sure he might think it was on purpose to help us. So.."
"Fck," she groaned, "I knew hanging out with you guys would be trouble."
Taehyung laughed out at this, purposely loudly. "Quite ironic coming from you," he said, "The personification of trouble."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means wherever you go, you cause chaos. Beginning from this guy." He pointed at Jimin, who was stuffing himself with gimbap. "You got this idiot wrapped around your finger and you know it."
"That's not true," she retorted with a smirk and leaned intentionally into Jimin's side. Facing him with a sweet smile then. "Jiminie, is it true? I got you wrapped around my finger?" She pouted and batted her long eyelashes, making a circling motion with her finger.
Jimin gulped, glancing between her and his friends. "You guys seriously need to stop acting like kids," he mumbled unamused and continued eating. Avoiding an answer.

Of course she had him wrapped around his finger. It was an open secret. Not even a secret. A well-known fact. He didn't even try to hide it. But he'd never just admit it in front of them like that. It'd only cause more tension.

"Fine, don't say anything," Arabella sat back, taking a piece of gimbap as well.

Of course she knew it was the case. She had taken advantage of it more than enough in the past when it came to getting a treasure. However, it wasn't like she didn't feel very affectionate towards him as well. She was just better in hiding it from others. Like the one time he fake-married that stupid little italian heiress to get her family jewels, but didn't tell anyone it was just a farce. And he had even had the nerve to invite Arabella to the fake-wedding.
The memory of this still getting her fuming.

However, she had never acted on her jealousy. Like when he flirted with other women left and right. It was alright. It annoyed her. But it was alright. After all, she was going much further with a guy if needed to get a job done, get information or to get close to the object of desire.
Then again, in her case it was never personal but strictly business. In his case he did it because he felt like it. And god, it drove her mad. Even if she'd rather die than admitting that. She never acted on it though. Because no one else should know she had a weak spot for Jimin.
Weakness was an unnecessary, even dangerous, accessoiry in their business. Especially as a woman.

No, she'd never admit how much his flirts actually hurt her. She was rather getting passive-aggressive and ignored him for weeks.
Except that one time, when they had happened to all be at the same gala - including that stupid little italian girlie - and she had got drunk so she wouldn't gag over that rich girl clinging onto him all evening.

"By the way," Yoongi spoke up again. A sly grin on his lips. "How will we solve the sleeping situation?"
"What do you mean?"
"Simple math. There's three beds and four of us."
They exchanged glances.
"Obviously I, as a lady, will take the single bedroom," Arabella instantly said pointing at the open door. "You can't expect me to sleep in a room with any of you."
"Aw, why not?" Jimin smirked, wiggling his brows and scooted closer to her, "I could use some company."
She groaned and shoved him away. "Nope."
"Well, you could always take the couch," Taehyung shrugged, before flashing her an innocent grin. Causing her to throw him an annoyed glare back. Her lips pulling up then into a sarcastic smirk. "Where are your gentleman manners?"
"Probably where that gold bar is you took with you back in Macao."

She pursed her lips, crossing her arms again. "Either way, I'm not sleeping on the couch."
"Fine guys," Jimin said, glancing at his two friends, "Let's just play rock-paper-scissors to decide who's gonna take it."
However, none of them moved. All eyes on Jimin, who blinked confused. Eventually getting the message, his eyes widening. And he exhaled deeply. "Fine, I'm sleeping on the couch."


among thieves ✨ || bts • pjm [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz