
41 4 12

Casablanca, Morocco


Jimin sighed, stuffing his hands deeper in his pockets as he kicked a pebble out of boredom. Watching it jump a few metres away before coming to a halt. His brown irises wandered around terminal 3 of Casablanca Port.

The only thing in sight being big ship containers as far as his eyes reached. A quite dull view compared to the rest of the beautiful architecture around the city.

He was beginning growing impatient. He knew he wasn't alone there, he knew the organisation must already be close by, probably observing him to make sure he was alone and didn't plan anything. However, he thought half an hour should've been enough for that, they should reveal themselves already.
"What am I even doing here?" he wondered out loud, looking around innocently. Hoping playing it naive would get them out of hiding. "I don't even know why I came to this place.."

And indeed, in that moment a noise coming from behind a container echoed through the silent port. Two tall men dressed in black stepping out, making him pause in his tracks. There. Finally, he thought. The small smirk on his lips quickly getting replaced by a confused gasp as he pretended being startled when seeing more appearing until eventually the same blond woman he remembered stood among them.

"I see you found your way to our invitation."
"Invitation?" he repeated huffing, pretending not knowing what she was talking about. "I don't remember receiving one."
"But you did and now you're here."

He counted six guys from his peripherical view. Not impossible for him alone to take down, but surely easier with some help.

"And why did you call me here?" he asked bored.
A look of disappointment spreading on Kir's sharp features as she tsked. "You see.. you didn't fulfill our agreement yet."
He snorted. "'Agreement' is quite a far stretch. I'd rather call it 'duress under the influence of some kind of hypno-drug'."

For a moment she seemed amused by his upsetness, taking a few steps towards him. Hands folded behind her back. "Smug as always. Perhaps another dose would help. What do you think?" She took a small case out, holding it up between her index finger and thumb only for it to shatter all of a sudden.
"What the-" She frowned and the six men around her instantly drew their guns out. Looking around to locate the direction the shot came from.
"Don't think that's gonna happen today," Jimin shrugged with a grin, "You didn't actually think I'd have come here alone, did you? After all, when it comes down to it there's only one woman in the entire world who has my complete and total trust. And that surely ain't you."

"Tss, it's too late for sweet talk," Arabella's voice rang through his earplug, making him internally chuckle as he knew exactly how flustered she must be in her stash right now. He collected himself again though, facing their antagonists with a focused look.

"Oh, we knew you'd show up with your little friends. We're professionals after all," Kir said nonchalantly. Seemingly quite full of herself as the men were all pointing their guns at him. "We caught you guys arriving together."
"Hm, yeah I expected that. Actually, we hoped you'd do," Jimin nodded. Much to her surprise he didn't seem nervous at all. Rather the opposite, he looked quite confident when continuing with a lopsided grin. "Because you see.. we didn't try being subtle about our arrival here. And since you knew we'd be here, we assumed they would also catch onto this."
"'They'?" she repeated confused, "Who are-"
Before she could complete her question, Jimin started waving frantically at an abandoned looking building further away. Her gaze wandered to its direction, seeing something flashing from its rooftop. One of her men suddenly yelped then, falling to the ground. Followed by another one. Her eyes widened alarmed. "Snipers! Get down!" she yelled and they quickly shielded themselves behind some containers.

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