
35 4 13

Seoul, South Korea


A quiet groan left Skylar's lips as she blinked her eyes open. Flinching immediately at the warm light above her head. It wasn't even bright, it was dimmed. The rest of the room being dark and yet it still hurt her eyes. Her head spinned.

She heard steps then and someone entered the room. Her head slowly turning to the direction of the person. Seeing him pausing in his tracks when noticing her having gained conscious.
"You're awake!" Jungkook exclaimed, almost dropping the spoon from his mouth.
Her brows furrowed and her glance fell onto the container he was holding in his hand. "Is that ice cream?" she giggled.
He nodded, walking closer to her. "Yeah, you want some? Or wait, no. Are you even allowed to eat that now? I should probably ask a nurse first."
"A nurse?" Skylar repeated. Her blue eyes widening. "Am I in a hospital?"
"Uhm yeah." He took his previous seat on the chair next to her bed, rubbing the back of his neck. "You were knocked out for two days."
"Two? Days?" She instantly sat up. Regretting her sudden move though as everything began spinning and she held her head. Jungkook instantly jumped up from his seat, grabbing her shoulder to steady her. "Easy there, lay back," he said with a deep frown. Guiding her back onto her pillow.
"What.. what happened that I was passed out for so long?"
He shrugged. "Security footage showed Jimin pinching you in the shoulder and you fainted."
"I-is that even possible though? I thought that was a myth."
He plopped another spoonful of his ice cream, shrugging again. "Doctors were also confused about it," he explained, "But they said, it might be possible after all if the artery pressure points are pressed and the person has very tight shoulder muscles. The brain must've registered severe blood pressure drop and you fainted."

She hummed, laying fully back now. Staring at the white ceiling. "Still.. two days."
"The doctor said your overall condition was weak.." he said then in an almost hushed tone, looking away, as if to make sure no one would eavesdrop. Although they were the only ones in the room. "..as if you were overworking. So your system might've took that as an opportunity to rest."
Her eyes widened at this and she felt her cheeks flushing. It was true, she had been stressed out ever since joining the unit half a year ago. And sometimes she did work overtime, to collect new information and analyse data. She wanted to prove herself, she wanted to get this thief. But perhaps her high ambitions weren't healthy in the long run.
"Sky, please don't overwork yourself." His words startled her and her gaze fell on him. A worried look in his round brown eyes. "This isn't worth neglacting your health."
Her jaw clenched and she didn't say anything, only looked down on her hands.
And why were you out there in that corner anyway? If he hadn't called me I wouldn't have found you there."

She pursed her lips. Truth was she was there for a smoke. An old habit of hers that she had picked up again recently. Whenever it became too overwhelming for her, she smoked a cigarette. In secret. Not so much because she cared about anyone knowing. Other colleagues were smoking as well after all. It was rather because she felt ashamed of her own self. She had successfully quit during her studies and had sworn to never touch a cigarette ever again. And there she was now, breaking the promise to herself. And ironically, that got her into this kind of trouble now.
"Wait, who called you?" she asked then in an attenpt to change topics and it worked as Jungkook seemed oblivious to it. "I assume Jimin. Unless you called me after getting unconscious." A light grin shaped on his lips and he chuckled.

Skylar heaved a sigh, closing her eyes. The memory of Jimin teasing her for her non-existent crush coming back.
How did he know her shoulder muscles were always tense and hurting and how a simple pinch on the right spot would knock her off like this? How had he figured her out so easily?
"This guy's a mystery to me, honestly," she whined then, "Knocking me off but then call you to find me?"

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