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Barranquilla, Columbia


After weeks of other circumstances interrupting their initial plan, they had eventually found their way to Columbia where the last clue had let them to.

'Los Ladrones' was the name of a beach in a big forest area right next to Barranquilla. The Rio Magdalena deviding the city from it. Big lakes and swamps filling the well vegetated area. And north-east of it in the middle of a lake, there was 'Isla de Corazón'.
However, they hadn't been able to come too far, when unexpected visitors having distracting them once again. Although perhaps they should've foreseen them not leaving them alone for too long.

"I see eight." Jimin lowered the binoculars and sat up from his laying position. Propping his back against a rock. "How did they even find out?"
"Maybe you told them when they drugged you?" Yoongi shrugged, also lowering his binoculars. Glancing at him with raised brows to which the younger guy frowned. Becoming insecure about himself for a moment. "You think so?"
"Maybe, who knows. I wouldn't blame you though."
Honestly, he didn't remember doing anything like that. He did remember offering the info in exchange of them dropping the 'job', but since Kir had refused, he hadn't revealed this information. As far as he remembered. After all, his memories went blank when it came to anything after that pill she had initially given him.

"I also count eight men," Taehyung mumbled then, zooming in more, "No, actually ten."
Another loud explosion went off in the distance. Smoke rising among plants. They frowned at the sight of it. "These idiots are just using explosives anywhere huh?"
"I knew even pops wouldn't be able keeping them locked up for too long," Arabella sighed, "Their mates probably helped them escape. They always got backup plans."
She snatched the binoculars from Taehyung then, earning a groan from him. However, she got curious and also wanted to see what was going on exactly. Zooming into the large group of black-dressed people when her eyes fell on a particular person. Her brows knitting together as she kept herself from gasping. "Is this - is this the woman you were talking about?"
"Yeah," Jimin responded, hand gliding through his hair at the unpleasent memory. "Her name's-"
"Kir, I know."
"Oh, you know her?" He didn't know why he sounded so surprised. After all it wasn't the first time she had recognised someone of them. After all, she had spent a large part of her life as one of them. And yet, when he noticed Arabella's jaw clenching at his question, he couldn't help but wonder if there was more to it.
"Yeah, I remember her," she eventually spoke up. She swallowed hard then as a flood of memories ran in front of her mind's eye.'From now on, you don't have a family. You don't have anything.' - It was hard to forget someone like that.

Lowering the binoculars, she handed them back to Taehyung. Absentmindedly staring to the direction of their opponents, then at her silver bracelet and Jimin eyed her worried, noticing the drop in her expression.

"The only good thing is they haven't reached the right area yet." He nodded at Yoongi's remark, averting his eyes from Arabella. He stood up then, offering his hands to his friends to pull themselves up. "They're close though, so let's keep moving before they do."


'Heart-Island', which sadly wasn't heart-shaped nor had anything else that would indicate the choice of its name, was as it seemed, just some kind of entrance. A deep cave leading them subterranean into catacombs, with the occasional sounds of explosions and small quakes accompanying them. Meaning Kir and her men weren't too far away from their position and nearing them faster than they had expected.

"Creepy pirate statues - check. Carved stairs - check. I think it's save to say we're in a pirate cave," Taehyung chuckled as they climbed down the stairs.
The rocky ground and narrow paths making it difficult at some parts, but they continued past chasms and pointy rocks until reaching a dead-end. Reaching a wall with a small hole on one side. It looked like you were supposed to put your hand in it, so Jimin reached inside and frisked around. "A little slimy but.. there's a lever."
"Then give it a pull."
He frowned at Taehyung. "It might be a trap!"
"So what?"
"I'll lose a hand??"
His friend grinned. "So we'll get you a nice hook. Like a real pirate."
Yoongi and Arabella couldn't help but stifle a laugh at this, contrary to Jimin who was quite unamused by that option. Shooting him a dead glare.
"Just give it a pull already," Yoongi complained then, getting tired and inpatient of standing there instead of continuing.
The younger guy rolled his eyes. "Nice hook.." he repeated Taehyung's words under his breath, peeking at Arabella who was staring at him with expecting eyes. And he gulped. Eventually doing as he was told with a shaky sigh. "Alright, I'll give it a go."

Thankfully pulling the lever didn't cost him his hand. The only thing that happened was the wall giving in, revealing a door which they entered. On the other side being another wall with an imposing looking contraption, giant stone-wheel and chains running from it to cogs, blocking their way anew.

'For those proven worthy, the treasure awaits. For those who prove false, behold your grim fate.' Arabella read out loudly the inscription on a pillar.
"Oh great, another puzzle," Taehyung mumbled under his breath, taking a closer look on it. There was another hole in the wall with probably another lever inside. This one clearly being a trap this time. Obviously, otherwise there wouldn't be that big contraption next to it. His eyes caught something like a string hanging out of the hole and without thinking much, he pulled at it. An eery scratching echoing came from behing the wheel then, flowing through the cave.

"Taehyung, what the fuck!" Arabella exclaimed panicked, taking a step back and went behind Jimin - who really took pride of that.
"What?" Taehyung rolled his eyes and shrugged then. "Suck it and see."
Another clicking noise was heard then, getting everyone's attention back.
"Are we gonna die now?" Yoongi nervously joked, looking around to see if there was any sign of danger. The grip on his sword tightening. However, all their worries seemed redudant, at least for now, because nothing seemed to happen after all. Only the inner wheels of the mechanism turned, revealing symbols on the stone-wheel.
Taehyung took a step forward, inspecting them from his lower position. "Okay, these are clearly the zodiac signs of someone, but who?"
Arabella shrugged as she stepped forward to take a look at them as well. "I'd go with the one who hid the treasure here in the first place - Anne Bonney."
"That'd be one. But whose are the others?"
"Calico Cat's and Mary Read's, obviously," Jimin said then. "Does anyone remember which belongs to who though?"
They looked at each other, shaking heads. "I did read their birth dates when we first researched about them, but I forgot," Taehyung admitted shyly, scratching his neck. Yoongi sighed then, taking a small notebook out from the back of his pocket. "I knew noting down would be helpful.." He browsed inside, stopping at a page then. "Oh! Anne's was one day before mine."
"So pisces like you," Jimin remarked with a smirk, which the older guy chose to ignore. Continuing, "Jack's was 26th December."
"Oh!" Taehyung exclaimed enthusiastically then, "A capricorn, like me!"
"And Mary's.. unknown."
Arabella snorted sarcastically. "Like mine."

They exchanged a glance. The coincidence quite astonishing, and a little bit creepy, in a way.

"Well, that makes me the misfit, I guess," Jimin laughed under his breath. Redirecting his focus on the cypher. "But that means the pisces one should be on top. The capricorn on the right and.. the third one's.. a taurus?"
"Maybe Mary was a taurus after all."
"When did Mary die?" Arabella asked then, looking at Yoongi who quickly checked his notes.
"28th April."
She hummed, making a thinking expression which Jimin couldn't help but find incredibly attractive. "That'd be taurus. Perhaps she took her date of death instead?"
"My smart girl," Jimin grinned, making her blush for a moment before she waved him off.
"Anyway," Taehyung said then, taking a glance at the wheel again. "The signs are in the wrong positions."

He walked up to the cogwheels then, noticing a handle on them which he simply spun. And indeed, by turning them he rotated the puzzle wheels until reaching the correct positions. It clicked again. Everyone waiting expectingly.
"Is it solved now?" Arabella asked confused.
"Not sure.."
"Well, there's only one way to find out. Someone has to pull the lever in the hole there," Yoongi said, pointing at it. To which Jimin shot him an annoyed look. "And with 'someone' you mean me."
Dragging a sigh, Jimin walked up to the hole. Taking a deep breath then, trying to trust in them and their puzzle solving skills. "Here goes my hand," he nervously chuckled before pulling it. The wall around it giving in again, revealing an exit much to his relief. And they left the area and walked into a cavern.

Sunlight illuminating it from its open end, sea water flowing in there as well. Creating a bay inside the cavern. It seemed like the underground path had led them all the way from the forest to the shore. And as they neared the edge of the cliff they were standing on, their eyes grew wide.

There it was, the ship.

Another explosion above them interrupting their awe, shaking the ground above them. The others were also near.

"Let's go."


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