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west of Havana, Cuba.


The hidden coordinates on the old document led them to a town near the capital of Cuba. Giving them a good view of the mountain the coordinates were actually located at.

The atmosphere was hot and loud, the air stuffy as they strolled through the markets, mingling with locals.

"Oh, hey cutie." Arabella turned around when hearing Jimin's flirty voice. Seeing him ogling at a local behind a stall. The young woman giggled and offered him to try one of her plums, which he gladly accepted with a charming smile and a wink. Causing Arabella to roll her eyes behind her sunglasses, turning away. Of course he couldn't keep himself in bay.

She sighed, walking towards a stall that was selling sunhats. Pushing her sunglasses up her head, she took a better look on them. Her eyes landing on a big straw hat. It reminded her if those which famous actresses used to wear at the pool, back then like seventy years ago. She liked the touch of old hollywood feel to it and decided to try it on. Smiling at herself in the mirror.
"Suits you, love." Her smile dropped. A frown instead setting on her features as she placed it back.
"Oh, you done flirting around with strangers?" she asked unimpressed as she brushed past him. Continuing strolling through the market. Her eyes catching Taehyung and Yoongi standing a bit further away. Taehyung had seemed quite uneasy ever since they had come there. She wondered if he simply didn't like the warmth or if there was more to it. Obviously she wouldn't directly ask him though. They surely weren't close enough for her to ask such personal questions. They didn't even particularly liked each other. They just endured each other for the sake of it. Hence why she also wasn't keen in finding out. He wouldn't tell her anyway.

"Aw, Bella-baby, don't tell me you're jealous?" she heard Jimin snicker behind her while following her through the mass of people. Wiggling his brows at her when she came to an halt to let an old lady with her groceries pass.
"Don't be ridiculous. Why would I?" she huffed.
"You know it's just for fun," he smiled then and lightly grabbed her chin between his fingers. Forcing her to look at him. "No one compares to you after all."

Arabella bit the inside of her lip, preventing that smile she felt creeping up on her lips from showing. "Whatever," she mumbled and shoved his hand away. Ignoring his laugh as she walked up to the other two guys.

He knew exactly he had an effect on her as well, just as much as she had on him. That was why he didn't mind her using her tricks on him. He willingly let her do so after all.

"What are you guys looking at?" she curiously asked when standing next to Yoongi. Cocking her head at the objects in front of them.
"This old gold bracelet," Yoongi said then, holding it up, "Looks pretty cool. I'd say 12th century."
Arabella hummed. She had forgotten this guy was a bit of a nerd when it came to history. She took a look at what Taehyung was holding in his hands then. An old pocketwatch.
"Wouldn't that look cool on me?" he grinned then, showing Jimin the watch. They could steal the most expensive jewelry if they wanted to, but here he was wantinh an old pocketwatch from the late 19th century. "Sure, get it." Jimin smiled at him and patted his shoulder. His eyes then landing on something else on the table. A dagger with a sigil, quite similar to the one on the document.

"Where did you find this?" he casually asked the vendor, who said his grandfather had found it years ago somewhere in the mountains. That only ensuring him they were on the right track. After contemplating for a little he bargained with the local. Eventually buying the dagger much cheaper than its actual worth. Contently patting it when sliding it in the inside pocket of his blazer. Taehyung also getting his pocketwatch.

As they left the stall and made their way downtown, Jimin's eyes wandered to the said mountain in the distance.

"Guys, I think it's time we head to our actual destination."

among thieves ✨ || bts • pjm [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang