S3|Chapter Twenty-Four: Time Portals

Start from the beginning

"So, uh, got any games on this thing?" Young Ben asked Max, but was ignored.

"I'm gonna need you two to look after Ben until we figure out what to do." Max said, looking at both Rook and Luna.

"My apologies, Magister Tennyson. I have barely learned to deal with teenage Ben." Rook said. "Is there anyone else who has experience in dealing with this version?" He asked, gesturing at Young Ben.

"Yeah, sorry, Mr. Max. But taking care of this version of Ben, is gonna be a huge chore." Luna stated. "Is there anyone else who could help us?" He asked.

"I do." Gwen said. Her and Kasey were at the entrance.

Kasey is in a new outfit, he is wearing:
-White and Grey Sweater
-Beige Trench Coat
-Light Blue Jeans

Rook, Luna, Max and Young Ben looked towards the entrance, and saw the two.

"And me, on some level." Kasey said, doing a so-so gesture with his hand.
"Techno." Techno said, in his bracelet-disguise.

Gwen and Kasey had been told abut Young Ben's conditions.

"So, mentally, he's 11?" Gwen asked.

"That's unexpected." Kasey said.

"Gwen? Kasey? Is that really you?" Young Ben asked, he walks behind the two. "Gwen, you look... like you're still a dweeb!" He said.

"And you're still a doof-" Gwen said, but stops herself. "Easy, Gwen. Don't let him get to you. You're above this childish stuff now." She said, folding her arms again.

Kasey laughed a bit. "Man, I really missed the old "dweeb-and-doofus banter"." He said.

"Whoa, Kasey, you look hot." Young Ben said, seeing  Kasey.

Kasey blushes a bit. "Um, thanks?" He said to Young Ben, not really knowing how to respond. He lean towards Gwen's ear. "Should I be worried, that 11-Year-Old Ben thinks I'm hot?" He whispered-asked.

Gwen was confused. "Honestly, I'm not sure." She told the One-Quarter Xangruks.

"I still do not understand why you are here, Gwen and Kasey." Rook said.

"Five years ago, Ben told me to come and find him at this exact date and time. And also brining Kasey with me." Gwen said.

"Which is why I'm here." Kasey said.
"Techno." Techno said,
"And Techno." Kasey said.

"I almost didn't do it, but he seemed so serious." Gwen said. "It wasn't like him at all." She said, gesturing at Young Ben, who was making silly faces. "Well, not like 11-year-old him."

Young Ben spills a cup of coffee. "It wasn't me!" He said. "No, really. That wasn't me, Gwen. I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't suppose his 16-year-old mind got sent back into his 11-year-old body?" Max asked. "Some kind of cross-time brain swap?"

"But wouldn't we remember that?" Gwen asked. "I mean, I remembered him asking me to find him." She said.

Max sighs rubbing his head. "I don't know. This time-travel stuff always gives me a headache." He said.

"Don't think too much about it, Mr. Max." Luna said, patting his back. "These kinds of stuff happens for a reason."

"Do you recall anything else?" Rook asked Gwen.

"Only that I'm supposed to take him to Mr. Smoothy's." Gwen said, pointing a thumb at Young Ben.

"Mr. Smoothy's?! Gross!" Young Ben exclaimed, and he fell.

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