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"And I told you to not hold your breath. Glad to see you took my advice, looking very alive and well." I sarcastically and cheerily exclaim. My arms drop dramatically, shoving the gun back into the waistband of my pants.

"Really?" Havens voice draws my eyes to him, and I see what he means in a second. His once fuller cheeks were shallow, bags under his eyes, and such a dull look to his eyes, I could almost say I missed the burning sparkle in them.

"You were mourning someone that's still alive, it's your choice to be stupid about your actions." I knew my words would bite, and his hands clenching told me I was harsh. I sucked in my cheeks, biting the flesh as I looked towards the floor with a sharp exhale from my nose.

"We're mourning a brunette you, still counts, no?" Ash's voice wasn't soft, it had an edge to it, like he needed something to tell him their mourning was valid. I raised an eyebrow with a short smirk, huffing out a laugh as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Became Mrs.Frost because I knew the mister wouldn't look for himself in crowds." I had my half-playful narrowed eyes aimed at Koda, who seemed frozen in time. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his suit, eyebrows pinched as his gaze never wavered from mine.

"Don't fucking do that." A firm voice made me snap my eyes to Haven, his long legs pushing him to stand and stalk over to me as Gabriel moved over. He stood with his chest grazing mine, "You have no idea how long we've been looking. And if you say the entirety of the time you were gone, I'm gonna spank you." I let out a laugh at his threat, poor boy couldn't do it without whining, "Koda fucked up for telling you what he said, but Gabe made sure you know where we stand. I mean come fucking on, I've been celibate for a year! All because you're all I can think about. No one measures up to you, fucking no one Mixie.." His lips drop closer to mine, panting, his breath mingling with mine.

"So I'm something to hold you back from sex? Fuck my feelings?" I tilt my head at him. Was I just an object of desire for him? His eyes rolled as he groaned.

"Jesus.. You consume my every thought, the sound of your voice makes my heart slow down and speed up at the same time, and just seeing you smile gives me a high better than bud. So no, I'm not fucking your feelings, you're fucking over mine."

"Awe, does the little boy like me?" I pout mockingly, fluttering my eyelashes at him as he stares me down. I could see the extra blink of his eyes at my words.

"You have no legitimate idea." He whispers across my lips, his forehead resting against mine as he breathes out what I could say was a sigh of relief. A strange feeling made me want to grab him and kiss him until we became one, one that was part dominance, and something else I couldn't put my finger on.

"I can't give you what you all want. I'm not innocent, I'm not cautious, I'm not nice, I'm not someone capable of love. You're chasing after someone who's not real." I grit out, staring at Haven's chest. No one gets a word out because James Rim decided to scream behind the duct tape covering his mouth, annoying me, "Ughh." I grunt out as I move back from Heaven and step to James, pulling my gun out, turning it around, and hitting him in the temple with the butt of the gun.

"Seeing you run head first into death makes me want to throw you over my shoulder and lock you away, so no harm comes to you." Asher's voice flows to my ears from beside me, "But, nothing is perfect. If you don't want us, tell us. Tell us to leave and you'll never see us again." His voice now at my ear, his hot breath curling around my ear.

I wanted to spit the words out, but my mouth wouldn't open. My mouth was sealed shut, my jaw tight as I stared at the small dripping wound on James' temple. A voice in my head was calling me stupid, that if I went forward with this, I would mess up. I always mess up. At the same time, there was the smallest slither of hope on me that told me to go for it.

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