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*Short Mention of Sexual Assault | Be Aware.


Time and time again, I manage to have my hero moment. In this case though, it cost me solidarity away from a young girl I've come to shove under my wing.

I spit on the guard as he was on the floor, holding his broken nose. A smile on my face as my gums leaked blood. It was a short moment of victory, before another guard used the butt of his gun to hit the side of my head, sending me to the floor as my vision swam.

I let out an animistic shout, my body being dragged somewhere across the hallway quickly. I kicked and shoved, but their grip on me was bruising and harsh.

"Ally! Ally!" I could hear Sage scream, her fearful eyes following mine all the way down the hall, until I couldn't see her anymore. I regretted not just taking Sage and finding a way out, before I got tossed into the room.

I groaned as I pushed off my hands, just to be shoved back down by the bottom of a shoe. My ribs ached as I met the cement floor harshly, my hip bones making me jolt as they were hit just as hard. Rolling onto my back, I panted at the angry 3 guards that were shielding the door.

"Keep your filthy and grimy hands to yourselves. I swear to god, I will break off each of your fingers, and eat them like bacon." I seethed, anger clouding my senses heavily. I'd never been one to be able to refrain from holding my anger, only on some cases, and I'm hungry, tired, and cold, there was no holding back the furious bitch in me.

Their faces twitched with this fear, a fear that me madly smirk. I was so close to pouncing and tearing them apart with my bare hands, but the guard I had socked came rushing in with a bloody nose, a hand grabbing my hair and yanking me to stand, the action making me let out a painful grunt.

"Little bitch. You're lucky I can't kill you right now, but I'm gonna hurt you, really really bad." He forced me to the floor, the orbital of my eye sure to be bruised as it was the first thing to meet the floor. I thrashed, kicking as panic began to shift my senses from anger.

"Get your fucking hands off me.." I chocked out, before feeling a harsh blow land behind my head, my eyesight turning black for a moment as everything went silent. It was only a second before I grunted, my hair once again wrapped in his filthy hand and he raised my head, banging back down onto the floor.

I couldn't hear as I groaned, clawing at his hand holding my hair and kicking my feet, but he put his weight on my thighs, using strength to pull my head up and back down to bash into the floor. It was getting harder to stay awake as my body screamed in pain, my head in such indescribable agony, that it didn't even hurt.

My body needed strength to get out of this situation, and the thought of why I had punched him in the first place gave me enough to push my strengths backward, sliding to prop onto my knees and push him off me and backwards. It was too quick for the guards to get me off him, but I was on top of him in a second, punching directly into his chest cavity.

He went immobile, gasping for air as he stared wide-eyed as I was pulled off him by my arms, a wicked smile on my face as he moved his shaking hands to hold onto his chest, groaning in pain.

"You won't ever touch another person you son of a bitch." I spat out as I was once more shoved into another room, one without windows, and the floor was now dirt. I laid on the floor, still grinning as I could hear the distress of the guards in the next room. The stupid fucker wasn't going to live for much longer, his heart should be stopping in the next few seconds.

I felt proud of myself. Not only did I stand up for myself, but also for Sage, who would've been put through much worse if I hadn't stepped in. The guard had came by our cells, I was half asleep, trying to get some rest, and I woke up to the shift in air. He had his hand around Sages mouth and his hand hand gone down to her private area, touching her as she cried silently. I didn't regret anything I did after, only that I had to leave Sage.

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