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I sat in my bed, my legs criss cross applesauce with my hair dripping down onto my clothed shoulders. I had the files opened, reading through each boxed filled with words, words that hit me more in my feelings that I would have liked.

People like this vile man are older, they weren't raised in a generation of technology, meaning they knew how important not putting files online was. You can encrypt something to the maximum with about a million firewalls, but it's never truly secure, and if you delete it, you leave a digital footprint whether you like it or not. Using paper files in somewhere secure is your best bet, unfortunately this man knew that.

The file wasn't a jackpot, but it had some information, and some is something and not nothing. I went from one lead to another, but my first lead, i've been stuck with him for 5 years, this small step for man was a giant leap for Mixie.

Account Number: ****-****-****

Name: Conan Philip

The money was wired. It was sent in increments over 10 months. It didn't look sketchy from one glance since it was once a month, like a payment for something completely mundane and expensive.

Sliding my laptop to me from the edge of the bed, I open it up, typing in my password quickly and going to social security, you know, once I got past the security undetected and invisible on their end.

"Conan Philip..." I mutter as I type the name into the database, an overwhelming, and frankly, annoying as 15,000 results came back. I didn't have the time to sort through each one. Filtering my searches, I typed in the account number, hoping it'll ping back to a bank account. The search bar was at 84% when it slowed, having to sort though each one. It was like the damn rainbow wheel.

Groaning, I pushed my laptop to my side, stretching out my legs. I push some strands of my hair behind my ear, absentmindedly touching at the ends of my hair. I had long hair before, it was near my bum at the longest, then I cut it all off, wanting a painful reminder to be gone. I miss the length it had, fucking hell did I, it's strange how bad I miss it to points where if I'm at a low mind space, I'll cry about it.

The knock at my door brings me from my thoughts, I call out for the person to come in, Stella popping in with a blank face, reminding me of the silent treatment she's given me for the past 3 days now. I look at her with the same expression, not looking away from her dark brown eyes, until she breaks it, looking down at the file on my left.

"You found something?" The emotion starts to creep back into her words, closing the door, her stiff shoulders relax, emotions now clear as day on her face, concern the more adamant one.

"Yeah, payments made to a Conan Philip, it's a step." I shrug casually, keeping it as careless as I could.

Stella sighs, kicking her heels off at the end of my bed, then rounding the bed and sliding in on my right, legs outstretched and crossed over each other as she takes the leans her back against the headboard and stares, just stares at me.

"You know this is big. Mix, we've moved nowhere in 5 years, now you have somewhere to start." Her hand comfortingly cups my head, stroking at the crown of my head as she pulls my head down to her shoulder, my body moving towards her and curling into a slight fetus position with my hands near my mouth as she holds me, "You aren't going to alone in this. I do apologize for my silence these past few days, but I'm always here for you, there's no way you're doing this by yourself, we're all right beside you."

I know the truth in her words, none of my sisters would leave me to fend for myself, especially in this part of my life. It's something I'm eternally grateful for, having the family to hold you and be there for you, even if they don't know the full story, they don't pry.

Queenie Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang