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Fortunately, I was loved in my family, and Lainey had a soft spot for me, meaning she easily accepted to teaching the guys how to use weapons efficiently, even with her grumpiness, she's like a ray of pitch black with a hidden sun.

"Cock it back, aim, pull the trigger." She demonstrated in the backyard where we had targets at 50 feet. There were more further, but we started off easy for them. I watched from my spot on a tree branch as the bullet bolted from the barrel, the sound no longer making me flinch.

All 5 of them stood attentively, watching and observing the way my sister shot the glock that always hit its target. She goes on to tell them how it doesn't have a safety, and that when handling these kinds of weapons you have to be careful and mindful.

"You all have experience with shooting, this shouldn't be so difficult to get, I'm just teaching you some tricks that can help in the long run." Lainey was someone with a great fondness for a gun, meaning she knew a lot of ways on how to use them. Most people butcher using weapons, thinking it makes them cool by spinning knives or shooting a gun with one hand, Lainey can turn that cool into mesmerizing. She's like someone who does card tricks, but with sharper and deadlier things.

In a quick vote, Viktor had the most experience with handling guns, Gabriel was the one with a love for hitting things with his bare hands, Haven was more of a fleeing type person, but would stand his ground with a weapon, and Koda knew his fair share of handling guns.

Viktor stepped up to the post that held a displaying box on it with different types of sharp objects and guns. Lainey handed him the glock, she wouldn't correct anything if he got it wrong, not until after he finished his own demonstration.

I leaned my head on the tree, my feet lightly swinging in the air from my higher position in the tree, watching the way Viktor held himself. Standing tall, right foot a bit further back from his left, his shoulders matching with the width of his feet, arms up held straight out, both hands on the gun, left over the right, finger on the trigger.

He was concentrated, eyes narrowed at the target, breathing in, holding it, then pulling the trigger. The shot rang out, the pushback of the gun didn't move him much if any, hands dropping once he got the shot out. I looked to the target seeing the puncture of the bullet right dead in the center of the red dot, making an even bigger hole to where Lainey's had gone through.

I let out a hum, looking back at the giant man who caught my eye. The hazel colored orbs had my eyes flashing with the memory of last night, the way he saw me in that vulnerable state. To me, if I reminded him how heartless I am, he would forgot about it.

"Good, now we have to work on the rest of you guys and then solo handed." Lainey continued on with her lesson, I just stayed in my spot and watched.


It was follow the leader back inside the house, I being the leader, the men followed behind me, Lainey at the back, engrossed in her phone.

Stella and Dame were walking hand in hand down the hallway, sending me both different smiles, Stella's more professional, Dames more childish and wide.

"Good afternoon Mix." They synchronize, leaving me to slightly widen my eyes in mock fear. Dame flips me the bird, all in good nature, mine going right back at him, but adding the thrust of my hips as I stick the finger in my mouth, pretending a silent moan with the roll of my eyes, Stella lightly smacking me on the crown of my head at my antics.

"Good afternoon guys." I sung out. I did the whole pretend fucking because Stella had given the information that she liked to hold Dames hands after they went to pound town, her love language was words of affirmation, physical wasn't like her, so now I know when they've gotten lucky.

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