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As soon as the door rattled closed, Sage's body clung to mine as she cried. I held her close as I slid down the side bars, her body trembling as she sobbed. I 'shh'd her as I tried to reassure her that everything was fine.

"I'm fine sweetheart, you're fine." I murmured in her ear, stroking her hair as I tried to reign in my emotions. My heart constricted, wanting to not cry, because the girl had wormed her way into my heart, and became a little sister to me.

"It's been a long time Ally. I though they.." Sage couldn't finish her sentence and blubbered. I grabbed her nose, pinching it closed.

"Hold your breath." She did as I told her, her heart seeming to slow down, as her cries did. I let off when her face began to redden. Sage was now better composed, and she just cried inside of wailing out, "It's been a week. I'm okay, you're okay. Have you been with Amaya?" I softly spoke, brushing her greasy and matted hair back. She nodded slowly.

"We eat dinner together." I praise her for helping Amaya to not be lonely. I pull her in to side hug her, breathing out as I know we're stuck in the cell for another few hours before it's 'dinner time.'

"Sage, I need you to listen very carefully." She turned her head up to me, and I looked around, waiting until the guard passed by our cell, "In 3 days is the auction, meaning we only have 2 days to get out of here. On Thursday night, I'm going to go to the 'doctors,' and I'm going to turn off the power, and open the cells. I'm going to need you to help guide everyone out. You have a very important job, and I'm going to talk to Amaya, and she will help you, do you understand?" When I gazed down, I could see the fear embedded in her eyes.

"But the guards?" Her fearsome voice makes me slightly grin, I let out a short hum.

"Don't worry about them, I got it covered." She nodded, determination shining in her eyes. I know she wants to go home, and I'm going to make sure she gets there. Amaya needs her son. Every other person in here has someone they need to get back too, and I want to help them. The feeling of not knowing if you're even going to make it out alive, is the single most killing feeling. You feel as though you're already dead.


My thighs clench as I sat on the cold metal bench, painful tingles shooting through the skin for a millionth of a second. Sage was right beside me, curling herself into my body, my arm around her, my thumb stroking comfortingly on her shoulder blade.

"Ally, how are you?" Is the first question that comes out of Amayas mouth as she sits in front of me. I smile meekly.

"Still alive, all good." I even gave a thumbs up, before pushing around the oatmeal on my platter, that looked like a mother bird chewed it up and presented it to its child.

"You look sickly." Amaya whispers, looking at my bones that protruded out from my skin a bit more than last week. Oh right! And the many bruises coating my skin in blues and purples, with one or two yellow ones. Being in a confinement meant being a punching bag for guards who were fed up. It wasn't even remotely fun, but I did get some punching of my own in, and it made me feel a bit better.

"You should've seen them." I chuckle a little, winking down at Sage who looked at me with remorseful eyes. I stroked back her hair, she sighed as I did. Amaya stretched her hand over the small table, taking a hold of mine and gently squeezing as she quietly cleared her throat.

"The auction is in 3 days." Amaya whimpered, eyes glossed over as her lip quivered. I sighed quietly, stroking my thumb on her hand as she looked down at her food. I gazed around, seeing guards standing at the entrance, fingers on the triggers of their guns as they looked around with void expressions.

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