Law didn't look up; even so, the man in front of him started to explain why he opened the door: "This man is innocent. The murder weapon was examined again and found a man named Basil Hawkins' finger prints on it."

Even as Law heard those words, he was still in a phlegmatic state. Law was set free after almost a month of being wrongly imprisoned.

2 hours later, Law walked out of the jail, and there were several different news reporters, Baby 5, and his two closest friends there to greet him. Baby 5 pushed and shoved the reporters out of the way to get to Law, who seemed generally confused. As soon as she got close enough, she hugged him tightly, and her tears soaked his clothes.

Even though Law was happy to see her, he didn't respond well. As a result of the events in jail, he was deeply traumatized, making it difficult for him to accept a simple hug. Law's release from jail was bittersweet, as the discovery of Basil Hawkins' fingerprints on the murder weapon proved his innocence.

News reporters took pictures and started to come closer to the two of them to question them. Law tried to avoid the reporters' questions However, the reporters persisted, and Law eventually gave in, answering their questions with short and vague responses. He seemed uncomfortable with the attention.

Suddenly, Shachi grabbed both of them and guided them through the crowd of people who wanted answers from both Law and Akainu.

As soon as they reached Penguin's car, all 3 of them got in and drove away. As penguin drove, baby 5 dried her tears and looked over at Law and inquired, "Law, are you okay?"

Law put his arm around Baby 5 and pulled her closer to him. He said, "Don't worry, I'm fine." Baby 5 smiled and nodded in agreement. They looked out the window and watched the people dwindle into the distance. Law and Baby 5 held hands, comforted by each other's presence, while Penguin drove.

As they drove further away from the chaos, Law couldn't help but think about his time in jail. He leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes, trying to calm his racing thoughts. Baby 5 squeezed his hand, silently offering him support.

When they reached Law's house, he told his friends he'd be fine and that they could go home. All his friends refused to leave him home alone. They insisted on staying with him and keeping him company until he felt better.

Yet Law assured them that they could go home and get some rest, as he would be fine on his own. He appreciated their concern, but he needed some time alone.

His friends reluctantly left, but promised to check on him the next day. As Law entered his house, he searched for Bepo. Bepo was Law's beloved pet dog, who always greeted him at the door. However, Law couldn't find Bepo anywhere in the house and started to worry.

After a few minutes of searching, Law found a note from Robin on the table. The note read that Bepo was safe and sound with her and that Law should not worry.

Law let out a sigh of relief and felt grateful to Robin for taking care of Bepo while he was in jail. He knew he needed some time alone, but it comforted him to know that his dog was in good hands.

Then Law realized his fiancé was missing. He saw Luffy's car in the driveway, so he assumed that he was home.

Law searched everywhere around the house, but still he couldn't find Luffy. He decided to call him to check if he was really home or not. As he did so, he continued to search.

When Law went inside his room, something shining caught his eye. He walked toward it and saw that it was Luffy's engagement ring, and under it was a note. Law picked up the note and read it carefully.

☆𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝗼☆ 𝐁𝗼𝗼𝐤 3Where stories live. Discover now