93. Wild Vociferous!!!

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"Although some of them can live a fairly normal life, they must constantly check for cuts, bruises, self-mutilations, and other possible unfelt injuries."

"So all we have to do is to come to the hospital for check ups... regularly..." Vegas was thinking out loud.
"How about full body check ups in every few weeks or probably once a month."

"What Mr. Vegas is suggesting is quite rational and.... viable." Dr. Top nodded, both the cousins exhale slowly while keeping their composure.

A few minutes pass by discussing more of it.

"Aren't you curious to know why we're asking this or who we're talking about?" Kinn sat back in his chair feeling a little relaxed.

"I am actually not Mr Kinn.." Dr. Top gave them a professional smile.

That smile made Vegas more curious so he lifted his eyebrows in question.

"Khun came to the hospital.. with his bodyguards off course." Dr Top started, making both the cousins serious, Kinn sat straight at the revelation.

"Why? What happened? Is he okay?" Kinn asked in concern.

"He got a cut on his finger..." Dr Top took a breath and started.

"How come? Was it deep?" Vegas asked with a glint in his eyes that makes the doctor shift in his chair.

"Just a scratch...ahmm...a paper cut more specifically."

"..." , "..."

Kinn was dumbfounded, while Vegas visibly looked disappointed.

The next moment Kinn pursed his lips in disbelief while Vegas rolled his eyes.

"What can we even expect from him." Vegas muttered under his breath. "Still it doesn't explain anything doctor..." He stared at the doctor pointedly.

"Khun asked the same questions..."

"What did he ask?" Kinn asked in his deep leader-like voice.

"He asked if CIP is a real disease?"

"And what did you said?" Vegas narrowed his eyes.

"The truth.." Dr Top kept his professionalism "I told him CIP... Congenital insensitivity to pain is one or more extraordinarily rare conditions in which a person cannot feel, and has never felt, physical pain."

"And?" Kinn clenched his jaw, visualizing Khun's reaction after knowing that. That image doesn't look good.

"And Khun got emotional. He said diseases with long names are never good."

Both cousins exchange some looks as if silently agreeing with Khun's point.

"Then he asked many questions... he asked about the cure, treatment, medication, therapy, oppression, surgery, life span..." Dr Top stopped to see the disturbed expressions on both their faces after hearing the word 'life span'.

To him, as a doctor, it was common to say or discuss diseases and the worst possible cases and scenarios an individual can go through but for others it was distressing.

For them it was neither a matter of curiosity nor just a education discussion...it was related to her, to them. It was about a life, a dear life.

Dear Amy's..... life!


They were in the parking lot. Big open the door for his boss. Kinn waited for Vegas to reach his bike first.

TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over MatterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz