A Fate Far Worse Than Death

Start from the beginning

Atlas turned to the kid.

Atlas: still here West? Still trying to find your place?

Wally: I never had to look for one.

Atlas: you want to know something? You were supposed to die that night, not Patrick. But you were to cowardly to do so. Irony

Wally's faced turned distraught as he stormed out of the room.

Dick: where are you? You said that I trapped you somewhere.

Atlas: the only place you could think of. The only place that could hold me.

Nightwing: how long have you been there?

Atlas: long enough to lose my mind several times over.

Dick: why are we enemies.

Atlas: I'm not keen on spoilers. You thought that Cronus, Savage and the Light were your greatest enemies? Well, you're about to be proven wrong.

Megan: what did we ever do to you?


The team stumbled back in shock at his sudden anger.

Atlas: I never asked for any of this Megan. I am only this way because of you! ALL OF YOU!

Dick: when do we meet?

Atlas: not long now. You'll find me soon. But for now. (He turned to Donna) you might want to go check on Cassandra.


Cassie was sitting with her face in palms when she heard a voice.

Atlas: you kept the apple fragment.

Cassie jolted up and saw Atlas standing over her.

Atlas: you're scared. Scared you wont be strong enough to protect Tim. So you stole a piece of the apple, in hopes to get stronger.

Cassandra: you're wrong!

Atlas: I have such plans for you Cassandra.

Cassie: I'm not afraid of you

Atlas: you should be!

Cassandra grabbed the apple pieace and ran to the tube.


Donna: what have you done?

Atlas: you're the detective Nightwing. You can put it together.

Nightwing: you're in Tartarus.

Atlas: yes..

Wally: we threw the stone in Tartarus.

Atlas: not all of it. Cassandra stole it in hopes of getting stronger. But now, she's finishing what you started. And I am closer to my freedom than I have ever been.

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