I groaned when I saw Dad's name on the screen. The man made sure my life was hard for the last few months, and I wasn't too fond of him at the moment. I contemplated rejecting his call, but it was out of the question.

"Hi," I answered.

"Find your brother and head to the jet that's waiting for you."

This time, I was the one who didn't get a proper greeting. I think it ran in the family genes to snap orders.

"Where are we going?"

"To Italy."

At his words, I felt blood freezing inside my veins. Dad had never ordered us to go to Italy since the incident. I took a deep breath and forced myself to ask the question I dreaded the most.

"Is she dead?"

"No, but her condition is critical. It may be her last days or hours." I jumped out of bed and grabbed my car keys and headed out of the door without even bothering to change out of my pyjamas.

If I didn't know the extent of my father's love for my mom, I would have thought his voice was dismissive. I knew he was keeping his strong façade so we don't all crumble to the ground.

"Keep me updated," I said and sighed as the call ended without me getting a response.

I tried Hunter's phone several times, but he didn't respond. All my calls went to voicemail. I slammed my fist against the steering wheel and cursed loudly. It was time I tried bigger guns.

I dialled Uncle Jasper since I knew he was the only person my brother wouldn't dare reject.

"Uncle, I need you to call Hunter. He is ignoring my calls." I said urgently.

"Ethan, first, you must calm down. Are you driving?"

"Yes, I am driving." I knew Uncle Jasper was right. I must get my emotions under control. It was a crucial time, and I had to be strong and collected.

He gave me space and didn't say a word until I spoke. "I am calm."

"Good, focus on getting to the airport in one piece, and I will take care of your bonehead of a brother."

"Uncle, I want the truth. Is she already dead?" I knew Jasper was the only person who can be honest and didn't care about feelings and that crap.

"No, she is not. Relax."

I let out another deep breath and bid my uncle farewell.

The trip to Italy was tense and longer than it should. Anna the poor girl ended up in our mess. The girl didn't have an evil bone in her body. I still don't understand how she ended up falling in love with my brother. Seeing them together was like seeing fire and ice interlacing. I don't know if it was even possible, but I am seeing it with my own eyes.

I surely felt sympathy for Anna, but at the same time, I was thankful she was with us.
She was the anchor keeping Hunter from drowning.

He acted unaffected by her proximity, but she kept him calm. If she wasn't here, he would have given me one hell of a ride.

Finally, we arrived at the family mansion, and both Hunter and I took the stairs as fast as possible.

We paused in front of the doctor who was explaining Mom's condition to us. I didn't follow any words he used until he spoke the sentence I waited for five years to hear.

"She will wake up!! Her body needs time, but she will make it. just stay patient."

"She will wake up!!"

The fall of our secretsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang