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Hello, guys! Here is a new chapter.

I am spoiling you this day 😁😁




"Enough! You are exaggerating, Ethan. We went over this exercise countless times." Nina protested as I asked her to practice her aim once again.

"Bear with me, Nina. I want everything to be perfect." I pleaded with her.

Nina shook her head and took the position. With formidable precision, she aimed her gun and shot. The bullet found its mark, and I breathed in satisfaction.

"Excellent work, Nina. You are the best." I said as I joined her while she removed the ear protection.

"I am happy you are satisfied with my performance," Nina said sincerely and without her usual snark.

It had been three days since I told her every dark secret I have. Since then, she had been so compassionate and tried to follow every order I gave her.

These past few days, I was impossible, wanting every single thing to be perfect and flawless. Nina didn't protest even once.

I appreciated her efforts and promised to make it up to her when everything is over.

I put an arm around her shoulder and said with a soft smile. "Thank you so much for everything. Let's go have lunch before we execute this mission."

Nina smiled at me, but I could see sadness and resignation in her brown eyes. Maybe the words I said were still on her mind. Stupid me! I didn't mean to drop them on her the way I did. I just wanted her to know my intentions towards her.

I intended to keep her by my side when the tests are over. Her talk about new things and adventures didn't put a damper on my plans.

I am Ethan Salviatti after all. If I wanted something, I would get it no matter what.

We ordered pizza and sat in the kitchen to eat. I tried to ease the atmosphere a bit. I knew I was the reason Nina was tense and nervous, and I needed to end it right now.

"Where do you want to eat dinner, tonight?" I asked between bits of pizza.

"What?" Nina asked, confused.

"I mean after we are done. Where do you want to go so we can celebrate?" I clarified with a grin on my face.

Nina chuckled and gave me a curious look. "You are so confident planning celebration before we even started the mission."

"I am sure nothing will go wrong. After all, you and I are the golden team." I winked at her.

"Well, I want you to take me to a luxurious restaurant. We will dress up and act like rich people." Nina raised a finger and squinted her eyes at me. "Wait a minute! You are already rich so it is only me who gets to act like a rich girl from New York upstate."

I laughed at Nina's expression and took my phone. I called the four-season restaurant and booked a table for two.
"Done! Are you happy now?"

"Yes, we must finish early so I can get ready. You know, dress, make-up, hair and nails. It is a long list we ladies must follow every time we go out. You men have it easy."

"I never saw you care about getting ready for an outing. How come it is different this time?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Things change," Nina winked and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"You are in a good mood today," I observed while helping her clear the table.

"Yes, usually I try to keep my cool on the big days."

The fall of our secretsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin