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"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

Walter Winchell



Nina was a good fighter. She was fierce, fast, and strong-willed. As they say, she was a rare jewel in need of refining. I remarked as I dodged her blows and jabs. She managed to land one here and there, but they required some work.

If she ever found herself against an ordinary fighter, I am sure she would win the fight without any problems. But for now, I was out of her league, especially since Lillian was now out of the picture.

I ducked another assault from Nina. I moved so fast, and before she could blink, I had her in a headlock. I was careful not to tighten my grip around her neck, but at the same time, I applied the right pressure so she won't get away.

I could feel Nina's hands on my forearms, trying to loosen my grip, but I knew she couldn't succeed.

"Say the magical words, and you will be free," I whispered in her ear teasingly. I was aware of our proximity, but I decided to ignore it and focus on the moment.

"You wish," Nina whispered back, and I must confess her bravery astonished me.

I felt a presence in the room, and I looked up only to meet uncle jasper's icy blue eyes.

"I see you are busy, Ethan," Uncle spoke coldly, and his blue eyes zeroed on my arms around Nina's neck.

I immediately loosened my arms around her and was thankful when she stepped away from me with no delays. I really didn't need a lecture from my uncle on proper behaviour and other technicalities.

"Hello, Uncle Jasper," I said formally and shook Uncle's hand. He gave me another severe glare before he drew me in his arms. I returned the hug and grinned mischievously at him.

I turned my gaze to Nina, who was standing to the side. "Uncle, I want to introduce you to Nina. Nina, this is my uncle Jasper." I saw the exchange of handshakes between my uncle and Nina. Both were firm in their grip, and I had to hide a smile at the stubborn look that crossed Nina's face.

"The famous Nina, finally I had the chance to meet you," Jasper said in a fake, pleasant tone. I could see the wheels working inside his mind, and I was sure he would have a thing or two to say about Nina as he was analysing her with his keen eyes.

"Thank you, sir," was Nina's reply.

"Where is Lillian?" I asked as I looked around the room and realised my cousin was nowhere. How could I miss her leaving? Sure Lillian was stealthy and could slip from any room whenever she wishes, but I could sense my surroundings very well.

"She left a while ago. I encountered her on her way upstairs." Jasper spoke with a hint of disapproval in his voice. I would hear about this mistake later.

"What brings you here, uncle?" I asked, trying to change the subject, as I didn't want to get chewed out in front of Nina.

"We need to talk. You have five minutes to meet me in your office." Jasper ordered tersely and left the room.

"What is it with you and the rule of five minutes?" Nina rolled her eyes.

I chuckled at the expression on her face and shook my head. "It is a long story, and I don't have spare time to tell it. Being late to a meeting with Jasper is a suicidal mission. Shower and take some rest. We will talk later."

I smiled at Nina and reached to put one of her stray hairs behind her ear. Even this tired and sweaty, Nina glowed. I smiled at myself and quickened my pace towards my room.

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