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Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

Here is a new chapter. Be aware please that it will involve dark thoughts and actions. If you are uncomfortable with it, please don't read it.




"Are you crazy?" Lillian exclaimed.

"No, I am not. I must go there and now." I argued back.

Lillian paced back and forth before she stopped and looked at me with her hands on her hips. "You want me to take you to Martin's cell? Why?"

"This man destroyed my life. He didn't give me any way out. He pushed and pushed until I fell. He brought me to my knees, and I want to look him in the eye at least once." I responded.

"Nina, his cell is guarded better than the white house. We won't be able to get to him."

"Consider this conversation never happened. You don't have to help me, I will go alone. I have breached the security of the safest places in the world." I said and started walking to the door.

"Wait, I will go with you," Lillian said exasperatedly. She paused and gave me another warning. "But be aware the moment we are out of the mansion, Ethan will be notified," Lillian said, and I nodded my head. I will do Martin the damage I could in whatever time I may have.

The guards at the entrance blocked us and spoke to Lillian. "She can't leave the house, Ma'am."

"Are you questioning me?" Lillian asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, Ma'am. It is the orders." The man said.

"Well, the orders changed then. She can leave with me." Lillian said and pushed through the guards blocking us.

They didn't try to chase us, but one of them reached for his phone, and I knew I was already in a race against time.

Lillian got in the driver's seat, and the moment I settled inside the car, she took off at top speed.

I didn't ask her to slow down because my desire to have Martin in my hands overweight my fear of cars.

Lillian parked the car in front of a large building. We both walked to a back door, and Lillian crouched down.

"There is a trap door here. We have used
it to have access to the cells when we were younger and not allowed inside." If the time were more appropriate, I would have asked her to tell me some of her rebellious stories which I was sure included Ethan as well.

I followed her down two flights of stairs before we walked a very narrow corridor. Seconds later, we found ourselves in the underground with two rows of cells facing each other.

"He is not here. Come," Lillian said, and I followed her. The guards in here didn't talk to us at all. They just stared at us, and I was thankful for that. Lillian's presence was the shield I needed to carry out my plan.

We paused in front of a cell guarded by four burly men. Lillian looked at one of them and ordered. "Carlos, open the door."

The man with the blank expression opened the heavy metal door without question or even hesitation. The smell of Blood and other body fluids hit me, and I gagged. I smelled worse but today my stomach didn't take it well.

Lillian looked at me and asked in concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine. Don't worry." I looked at Martin, and I barely could recognise him. His face was a bloody pulp. Both eyes barely opened while his nose was at a weird angle.

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