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Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. It had been a long time since I published. To be honest, the lack of reaction and feedback made me sad and I didn't see the point of writing a work that gets no acknowledgement.

Anyway, one reader asked for more chapters and I couldn't ignore her request. So, here is a new chapter for all my readers.

Here is a new chapter, Alec_Jace6842 I hope you will enjoy it.

Happy reading.


We watched as the girls left the yard, leaving Enzo and me alone with Jasper.
"You allowed her to win," Jasper said accusingly.

I shrugged my shoulder, not giving him a clear answer. Jasper arched an eyebrow at me as a warning gesture.

I sighed and said in exasperation. "So what? I let her win. I have undergone that exercise countless times. It is not fair to compete against someone new in the game."

"You are losing your competitive streak."

"Come on! It is not like that. The girl did everything to impress you. She was good, but you wouldn't have given her your praise unless she won the last challenge. I wanted her to have it since she worked over her limits for it."

Jasper shook his head at my words as if they were nonsense to his ears, but thankfully, he didn't comment. "I will be waiting for you in my office."

"I am dreading the next round. I can't keep up with his endless criticism. He is getting on my last nerve." I groaned once Jasper was out of earshot.

"He is just looking out for you. You know his style." Enzo tried to reassure me since we both know that Jasper can be a pain.

"I am taking first dibs on the shower. I don't want to be late even if he didn't put a time limit on said meeting."

"You got it." Enzo agreed and took off in a jog around the house. I shook my head at the amount of energy he harness inside his body. I knew it was his way of letting off steam and thinking about his next steps.

I took a quick shower and changed out of my gym attire. Taking a deep breath, I climbed the stairs to Uncle's office. I knocked twice and waited for his permission.

"Come in," came his rough voice.
I turned the doorknob and entered his office. It wasn't as extravagant as his office back home, but it was dark and had Uncle's touch with its dark blue walls and the large black desk.

I stood in the centre of the room with my hands behind my back and my feet apart, ignoring the two armchairs in front of Jasper's desk. He didn't mention the meeting nature, so I had to be on the safe side.

Besides, I didn't know how was his mood and decided to assume the attention position.

I could see the amusement in Jasper's eyes and yearned to give him a piece of my mind. "You may have a seat."

I relaxed my taut shoulder muscles and took one of the comfy armchairs. "What is the reason for this sudden meeting?" I asked directly.

"I like how you are precise and don't beat around the bush. You know, this trait could be a curse."

Jasper was in the mood to have a conversation, but I wasn't. So, I arched an eyebrow at him and said. "I intend to make the best of it."

Jasper smirked and interlaced his arms on the surface of the desk. "Very well, I see you are impatient. Your father will join us this afternoon."

"What?" I couldn't hide my surprise as I didn't expect that at all. I thought Jasper would discuss today's training.

"I knew you didn't part on good terms last time you met, but try and fix things with him."

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