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Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

Here is a new chapter. I really enjoyed writing it and hope you will enjoy reading it as well.

I want to hear your opinions about it in the comments. This one is so special to me.



The shot's sound echoed through the silent room. I was used to bullets sound, but this one was different. It was louder and I felt my ears buzzing. I couldn't hear anything around me and stood there as if in another dimension. I watched as Ethan fell to his knees and then to the ground.

I did it! I did it! I brought the man who defended me to his knees. Was this reality or one of the many nightmares I have been experiencing lately?

How could I shoot the man I love? I felt water on my cheeks and touched my face attentively. I was afraid of what I will find.

Tears, tears were running down my face. I don't remember the last time I cried. It had been years since I shed tears about anything. Finally, I reached my breaking point.

Before I could understand what was happening, I heard Arianna's cry. "Nina, help me."

I looked up to see Martin dragging her by the hair. "What the hell are you doing?" I screamed at him and ran to them. I tried to break his hold on her, but he pushed me to the ground. My arm made contact with the ground, and I instantly knew it was broken as hot white pain coursed through my entire body.

"Leaving, we have company." He answered.

Then, I heard it. Cars screeched and gunshots in the distance. The Salviatti men were here.

"Leave her. We had a deal." I pleaded and struggled to stand up.

"I see you can do anything for your sister. I still need your services." He said and ran out of the room dragging Arianna with him.

I looked down the corridor and debated between going after him or helping Ethan. Martin would not hurt Arianna as long as he knew he had me in his grasp. Also, even if I ran after him, I wouldn't be able to catch up with my condition.

I ran to Ethan's side and crouched next to him. He was already unconscious, and his wound bleeding severely. With difficulty, I turned him to his back and pressed on his wound with my good hand waiting for help.

"Hang on, baby. Help is here." I said through my endless tears. Ethan didn't answer, and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. The wound wasn't fatal, but he needed immediate medical attention.

Hunter was the first to enter the room. He ran to us and kneeled on the other side of Ethan.

"Ethan!" He yelled. "Is he dead?" Hunter asked frantically.

"No, there is a pulse, but he needs the hospital," I said urgently.

"Who did this?" Hunter asked in a dark tone as he hauled his brother over his shoulder.

"No need to ask. We know who did it." Damian announced from the door.
He gave me a cold glare and advanced toward me.

He harshly grabbed my arm. I screamed from the pure agony I felt. He brought me closer to his face. "I didn't take you for a traitor, Nina."

I swallowed hard and said in a low voice. "I was forced to do it."

"I don't care about the details. My son's life is in danger. Pray he will make it, or you will wish to die before I am done with you."
He motioned to the men in his company to come closer. "Take her to the warehouse."

The fall of our secretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora