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Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

Here is a new chapter.



"What?" I exclaimed and jumped out of Ethan's hold.

"First, calm down, Nina." Ethan waited until I stopped my pacing and sat back on the couch.

"I am calm." I lied.

"It is the only way you will live. My family would never forgive your betrayal. There is nothing that can stop them from killing you. Being my girlfriend means nothing to them. On the other hand, if we get married, no one will have the right to touch you but me. You will be my wife, and anything harming you means it harms me." Ethan reasoned.

"I don't want you to get stuck with me, Ethan," I said with my head between my hands.

"And killing me is the best solution?"

I looked up and glared at him, Ethan shook his head. "It came out wrong. I didn't mean it like this."

"Come on, Ethan! Marriage is not a game." I tried to make the man in front of me see reason.

"And who said anything about playing? This game you are talking about is not a game. It will be real."

Ethan shocked me for the second time.
"Are you serious?"

Ethan nodded his head. "As serious as I can be."

"Ethan, you realise what you are saying is surreal."

"No, it is not. Our marriage will be legal and registered. My family aren't stupid. They will search for any hole to invalidate it. It's the only solution to this situation. You become my wife and no one can hurt you." Ethan said with finality in his voice.

"I don't know. I need to think about it." I shook my head and went to the balcony to clear my jumbled thoughts.

Ethan followed me to the balcony after a few minutes and hugged me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder, and together, we watched the sunset.

Time passed so quickly that I didn't realise it was already afternoon. It amazed me how I can lose all sense of time in Ethan's arms.

"Do you think we will be happy?" I wondered out loud.

"It is not something we can predict. We will live it day by day and see what happens." I felt Ethan squeezing my hands.

"I never imagined myself getting married. All my life evolved around Arianna. She was the centre of my world my whole life."

"Maybe it is time for you to be happy." Ethan kissed my hair.

"How about you? Did you imagine yourself a married man at this age?"

"To be honest, no, I didn't. But I am not against marrying a hot woman like you."

"You are teasing me, Ethan." I laughed.

"No, I am telling the truth. You are beautiful, Nina."

"Yeah, I know that I am beautiful," I said in a duh voice. "But I don't want to trap you in this."

"You are not. Stop worrying about this and go shopping for a formal dress. Our wedding is after tomorrow at ten."

And once again I turned around at inhuman speed and looked at Ethan with wide eyes. "What?"

"Yes, the judge will come to the hotel, and he will document our marriage. It will be done before you know it," Ethan explained.

"Ethan, you are heading in the right way to get punched in the face."

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