56 | fire kings speciality

Start from the beginning

"Gaara! What are you saying?!" Temari fumed, "I bet she'd try to kill you now if she wanted!"

"No," Gaara flat out denied. "If that's truly what she wanted, she would have done it. But that look in her eyes, I recognize it. It's the same look I had after finding a reason to truly live." 

There was another flat silence, out of disbelief in many parts, but then there was Karin. "I've pin-pointed their locations. Let's go!" She grabbed hold of your wrist and began to drag you along with her quickly.

You didn't refute it, but you looked back at Gaara once more. To begin with, you had things to settle with Shisui—you weren't running off and separating from him yet another time. "Gaara," you called out. "Your faith in me won't be put to waste." And you were going to hold meaning to your words, you didn't plan on this being another empty desire or promise that you usually made.

And Gaara simply let you go. His words rang true when he said you were no enemy of his, and you weren't going to make his tears meaningless.

While following Karin, you had planted a few Kunai in specifically marked places. There was no true reason behind them besides preplanning a necessary escape. Another ceiling could collapse suddenly and this time, you would actually have a form of escaping.

"Karin, you don't have to get closer." You spoke to her, "You're more of the support type, you don't have to get into a battle." You told her.

Karin knew you had a point, which might have been a factor in her anger, but she reluctantly agreed. "Fine, but how are we even supposed to get through this wall? He's right on the other side."

You stared at the same wall she was talking about, "Seems it's been melted over. What kind of material is this made of?" You questioned, running your hand over the wall to feel it.

"Stone is my guess." Karin said, pushing her glasses up. "Whoever he's against obviously had a very strong heat-based attack..." She said. "I doubt you have anything that matches that heat, and—"

"There we go," You removed your hand from the wall, "It's opening up."

'What the hell!?' Karin mentally shrieked, pushing up her glasses in disbelief. You had melted the wall down, and with just the touch of your hand! She knew that you were the Jinchuuriki of the fire king, but this was a lot more heat than she suspected, even through your impressively large chakra presence.  "Well, that works..." She mumbled, "I'll stay here... Just don't let Sasuke push himself!" She said.

"I can try." You said, putting a foot through the hole in the wall. "No promises, though." You ducked your head, and slipped through the opening you made. The first thing you noticed was the mist pouring through the room. You didn't have any sort of sensory ability, which is why you relied on Diaval for it. "Any ideas where they are?'

'Just follow the heat.' He responded.

"You and I both know I don't feel heat!" You responded, not in the mood for his smart replies.

'To the left, asshole.' Diaval answered truthfully this time.

You rolled your eyes, and followed the left side willingly. Diaval had been a deceiver before, but he had been genuine ever since you had Kaida put into you. Either, he was trying to impress the girl, or he thought there was competition for a vessel here. In fact, he was even more of a suck-up after Kakuju showed.

You rounded the left corner as Diaval had said, and you were met a womans back. She had long hair, and a blue outfit on and—she turned around, seemingly already knowing you were there.

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