Chapter 40

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General's pov
The ambo had crashed Brooke had closed her eyes when the ambo landed on the side, glasses was everywhere and Brooke could only feel that she was scared and that she didn't feel if she had gotten hurt. She looks over to where brett was and she slightly moves her head to look at brett and that is just because Brooke didn't know if she had hurt her neck.

Brooklyn - brett? You okay?

Brett - Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. What the hell?

Brooklyn - Oh, my God. You're bleeding.

She sees that Brett is bleeding on her forehead.

Brett - I'm bleeding? Where is he? Do you see him?

Brooke tries to look out through the window but it is hard for her to see anything because of the windows that are broken.

Brooklyn - I can't... I can't see anything. Okay. We have to get out of here.

In the meantime that the paramedics had crashed truck 81 was out driving because they had heard that ambo 61 was in trouble.
Casey and Andy was worried about Brooke and Brett, but Casey seemed to be more worried about Brooke then he usually is.

Casey - 61, what is your location? 61, respond.

He was trying to get a hold with ambo 61 but it wasn't working.

Casey - Do you hear me?

He didn't get any response from either Brooke or Brett, and because of this the guys on truck 81 and Stella got really worried.
Everything at the firehouse knew what had happened to Brett and Brooke on there last shift, so Casey and Andy was scared that something had happened to them.

Back to ambo 61, Brooke and Brett was trying to get out of the ambo but Brett was having a hard time to get out on her own now.

Brett - Brooke, I'm stuck!

Brooklyn - Okay...

Brooke was pushing the window that was broke but it wasn't totally destroyed, she was trying to push away the window with her feet and legs.
The wi Dow wasn't made of real glass it was plastic with glass and that's why it wasn't totally destroyed.

Truck 81 was really not far away from where ambo had drove of the way, everyone in the truck was trying to look out and to see if they could see 61.

Casey - We should have seen them by now.

Stella is looking out as she is driving the ambo, she gets eyes on something.

Stella - Whoa, hang on!

She sees ambo 61 and that they have crashed.

Stella - There!

She points to where she sees 61, Casey is looking the way that Stella had been pointed at an he sees what has happened.

Casey - Down there!

Andy - Damn it.

Casey - That's Brook's rig.

Stella was still driving but she was gonna try to turn around so that they could get down to where ambo 61 was, but Casey didn't have any patience.

Casey - Kidd!

Stella - I'm trying!

She knew what Casey meant since he was almost ready to get out and help.

Casey - Let me out!

Stella - Yeah, hold on, I'm gonna turn around!

He didn't care, he unbelted himself and open the door and jumped out of the rig in the speed, but the good thing is that Stella wasn't driving as fast like she usually do.

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