Chapter 18

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Brooklyn's pov
Just a couple of days had passed and we were all back at the firehouse for a new shift today, but it had already started about a few minutes ago.
Stella and I was sitting with each other at the table and eating breakfast, mouch, Otis, Herrmann was sitting with us too but they where having there own conversation like Stella and I had.
Brett walked in to the common room and she was holding a vase with some flowers in it, and I saw that she was happier then she usually is and she is happy a lot.
Brett put the vase with flowers on the table, and I looked at her  and she was having a big smile on her face.

Brooklyn - what is this?

Brett - through that this could bright up the place. Spring is here guys! Summer is on the way.

Stella - they are so pretty.

Herrmann - it's early for all of this in the morning. don't you think?

And as always, Herrmann is not a positive person in the morning when it comes to this. And he wasn't the only one, because then we all heard Mouch started to sneeze.

Mouch - you need to get them out of here. Allergy.

Otis - they don't have pollen. Maybe your getting a cold.

Mouch - I'm not getting a cold.

The three of them got up from there seats by the table and walked over to the kitchen, to put there plates and mugs away since they where finished with there breakfast. And that's when Severide walked in, and I noticed that Stella was looking at him like she always so be use she still care about him.

Cruz - hey, lieutenant. I noticed the boxes in your car, are you moving?

Severide - Benny's house is sold, and I was the one to get it empty.

Cruz - oh well, I saw a George Forman grill.....

Severide - it's all yours.

Cruz was already on his way up from where he was sitting by the other table, when Severide threw his car keys to Cruz.

Cruz - thanks boss.

I don't think I have seen Cruz that happy since he meet Chloe and all because of some classic grill, I was t the only one who was listening to the conversation between Severide and Cruz.
Severide walked over to the table where me and Stella was sitting and Brett was taking a plate of her own with some food on it.

Stella - it can't have been easy to clear out Benny's house.

Severide - it wasn't to bad. But his cabin haven't been touched, I'm heading there after next shift.

Stella - I remember you told me about that, you spend a lot of time there when you where young.

Severide - but I will probably sell that place.

And with that Severide left the common room and he probably went to chiefs office or his own quarters, he isn't so much out with the rest of the guys in common room, but he is usually out at the squad table with his guys.

Stella - it most be messing with his head, everything that involves Benny.

Brooklyn - maybe, maybe not. The only one who knows is Severide.

Stella - yeah....

Brett came to the table with her plate with food on it and a cup of coffee, she took a seat in front of me and Stella since she and I was hitting next to each other.

Brett - I don't need to get rid of the flowers because of Mouch?

Brooklyn - no way.

Stella - hell no.

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