Chapter 34

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General's pov
Less then a month have passed, the weddings are getting closer it is just a month until Brett and Darden's wedding and it is less then two month until Cruz and Chloe's wedding as well.
There is a lot of wedding talks around the firehouse because of the two weddings, but there have been some other talks as well.
About a week ago Brett's birth mother showed up at the firehouse after Brett decided that she wanted to see who she was and how she looked like. But when Brett's birth mother showed up it kind of changed for Brett, she didn't know if she wanted to have contact with her. So Brett decided that she was gonna wait for a couple of days and then reach out to her, and here we are now.

Brett is now sitting at a dinner at 7am and eating breakfast with her birth mother who also is pregnant, which came as a chock for Brett.
A reason for why Brett can do this is because of everyone that she has around her, everyone at the firehouse will always be there for her no matter what.

Julie - I wanted to say I'm sorry again for the way Scott acted when you came looking for me.

Brett - It must have been a shock to him. I get it.

Julie - I think Scott's finally come to terms with the fact that there are things in life outside of his control. But hey, I want to learn more about you.

Brett - Oh, uh...

Julie - Like what's your favorite movie?

Brett - Um....I must have watched "La La Land" like a hundred times.

Julie - Oh, I loved "La La Land." Until it got sad.

Brett - Oh, same. I turn it off when they break up.

Julie - Well, they should've ended up together.

Brett - Totally.

Both of them we're laughing, they seemed to get pretty much along which was a good thing for them both. It wasn't really easy for ant if them, but they didn't regret any of this, or at least Brett didn't regret about seeing her birth mother.

Julie - Well, what about your favorite foods?

Brett - Do you really want to know what kinds of foods I like?

Julie - Sylvie...I want to know everything.

Brett was having a good time with her birth mother, she was happy that Brooke, Casey and Andy had pushed her to meet up with Julie or just keep the envelope that she wanted to throw away earlier.

It was an hour later and everyone was at the firehouse and ready for a new shift, they all were in the briefing room because chief had called in for a meeting.
Chief was already talking and going through what they needed to do this shift and especially before there shift is over by tomorrow morning.

Boden - And let's get the tools and the equipment inspections started first thing. There's been too much dawdling in the morning, and I'm tired of it. And when the apparatus floor is cleaned today, let's actually put some effort in. There's dust in every damn corner.

They all noticed that something was going on with chief, he seemed to be a little bit over the edge right now and there shift just started.

Chief was looking down at Brett who was sitting in the front of chief at one of the tables, Brett was looking at the paper that she had in front of her.

Boden - Medic, I'm talking to you too.

Brett - I'm sorry, Chief, I'm just going over the new checklist of supplies...

Chief - Do that after morning meeting, understand?

Casey - Everything all right, Chief?

They were all looking at Chief.

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