Chapter 22

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Three month later
Brooklyn's pov
Three month have passed after everything that have happened, it haven't been so easy. Specially after Otis death, it took very hard for everyone at the firehouse since Otis was a special member and belonged in the firehouse family.
But that is not the only thing that have been hard, I moved and left Chicago after just a few days after Otis's death.
I'm living now in Fowlerton where also Brett grow up, I have moved here with Kyle since he got a job 30 minutes away from here. Even if me and Kyle are back together and engaged it was still hard to leave Chicago.
After I left LA and moved back to Chicago I didn't really think that I would leave Chicago again, I had thought to myself that I was in the city that I was born and grow up in.
Kyle and I had rented a house for now until we found another house that we could by and move in to, because where we was living in now was just the first one we found since we needed to leave Chicago right away.

Kyle had drowned me to a doctor in Fowlerton, because today I would take of my plaster that I had on my arm which I have had for those three month after I hurt my arm during that call where Otis died.
I was really glad to take it off since I have had it for awhile and now I could do stuff that I couldn't do when I wore it. And also today I have an interview for a firehouse here in Fowlerton, I would be glad that I could start to work again.

Doctor - for how long have you had it on for exactly?

Brooklyn - three month, yesterday.

The doctor took of my plaster and it felt really good to not have it on anymore.

Doctor - can you roll your wrist for me.

I did exactly what the doctor told me to do, I felt a little weird but good at the same time when I started to roll my wrist.

Doctor - any pain?

Brooklyn - no.

Doctor - clench your fist.

I did what he told me.

Doctor - open, close, open again. Any pain at all?

Brooklyn - no.

Doctor - I heard that you are related to Sylvie Brett.

Brooklyn - yeah, she was here for two month ago.

Doctor - it is a small town here, and I heard that your a paramedic also.

Brooklyn - i have my first job interview today actually.

Doctor - I hope everything will go well, and congrats to your engagement!

Brooklyn - thanks!

Before I left the room the doctor gave me a lollipop, it was a really sweet old man. When I left the room and came out to the waiting area I saw Kyle sitting there and that he was on his phone, but when he heard the door got opened he stoped looking at his phone and put it away and got up from the chair that he was sitting on.

Kyle - look at that.

I had my engagement ring in my back pocket and I finally could take it on, since I haven't been able to do that since I hurt my arm. It was a beautiful ring and I knew that Kyle was glad that I could finally wear it.

Kyle - good as new.

He was so sweet, Kyle was holding my jacket and he came over to me and helped me to take it on.

Brooklyn - it took a little longer then I expected. Do you mind dropping my off at the firehouse....or do you?

Kyle - of course, I think I have time.

The two of us walked out to the car that was parked outside.

Kyle - I have lecture in the departments over the city.

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