Chapter 15

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General's pov
It was the day later and shift was over more then 12 hours ago.
Casey and Severide was getting ready to head out for a night out, they where both thinking about along Andy out to.
But they both knew that Andy would be at Molly's or just home but with Brett.
But both Casey and Severide thought it would be a good idea if it was just them since they are both single.

Casey and Severide was ready and they where on there way to the club in a taxi.
It had been a really long time since the two of them where out like this without any of the guys from the firehouse just them.

Severide and Casey had arrived now outside of the club. They could clearly see that it was a club that was popular, because Casey could see that there was a lot of people inside but also a couple of people outside that was waiting to come inside.

Casey - i thought that you were joking about this.

Severide - it's only here for the weekend, it's a pop up.

Casey - a what?

He said and was walking towards the line where people was standing to come inside, but that's when Severide stopped him.

Severide - hey! Wrong way.

Apparently Severide knew someone so they could just got right inside without standing in some line to wait.

Brooke was out with some of her old friends that was still living in Chicago, that she haven't seen for years because she lived in LA.
Brooke to have some friends that was outside of the fire hoses and that she isn't working with them, even if she loved the people she works with, it is nice to have some friends that is outside of the firehouse.

Brooke and her friends was out and having a great time at a club, a pop up club. But something she didn't know was that she wasn't the only one who had contact with on of the owners.
Brooke left her friends about couple of minutes ago because she was going to get a drink for herself, and that's when she saw Casey there and he was getting a drink for himself. So Brooke walked up to where Casey was standing, she didn't think that she would try to ignore him or Severide, even if she didn't see Severide right there with Casey she knew that he was also at the club since they where talking about it on shift.

Brooklyn - hey Casey!

He turned around to face the person that was calling for his name.

Casey - oh, hey Brooke!

Brooklyn - so where is Severide?

Casey - I don't know, I haven't seen him since we got here.

They both started to look around to see if they could see Severide, and that's when Brooke looked at a corner and she saw Severide standing there with three girls but she could clearly see that he was having his eyes on one of the girls.

Brooklyn - found him.

She said and pointed to the corner where Severide was standing, and that's when Casey also started to laugh a little.

Casey - I don't know how he do it?

Brooklyn - do what?

Casey - how he gets three girls to get interested in him.

Brooklyn - what can I's Kelly Severide we are talking about.

Casey - yeah...

Brook talked a little to Casey and was trying to get him to talk to some girls and just flirt or just have some fun, she do think that he deserves to just have some fun after everything that happened.
As Brooke and Casey was talking, one of her friends came up to them since Brooke had been away for a little while now.

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