Thirty Eight

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Jungkook didn't realise when all of it happened. A moment, the sky was clear and sun has finally hid behind the trees beyond which the horizon may have embraced it while he stood looking into the direction in which the queen left after confessing his love for Jungkook while the other moment, his surrounding has turned dark, the lightening struck the earth somewhere forming a bright fork across the dark sky while Jungkook stood in front of another grave.

The clouds have covered the sky as if they were mourning with Jungkook. The winds have started taking a furious form while the eery silence of the graveyard added to the depressing atmosphere around Jungkook.

The person he love so much just told his dark past to him and confessed his feelings for the black haired boy and Jungkook couldn't even embrace him properly to comfort him after all the pain Taehyung would have gone through, it was breaking the black haired boy's heart.

He didn't know when all of it became so complicated but now, standing at the point from where things can't be undone, he sensed the criticality of the situation.

He was a police officer who was out for the mafia queen because of whom the city of Seoul and the rest of the Korea too was living in fear, the mafia queen who has snatched people's property forcefully, the mafia queen who smuggles and do a business of death in form of drugs, the queen who has killed so many innocent people without a second thought.

And surprisingly, the same mafia queen happen to be the person Jungkook fell after so many years of living a rogue life.

They were opposites. They were forbidden to love. It was against Jungkook's moral obligations but the boy didn't know that no moral obligation can stop a person from falling for a person your heart chooses for you.

The black haired boy stood in front of Hye Kyo's resting place looking at the cemented grave intently with so many thoughts in his mind and a bleeding heart in his chest.

''I thought I loved you, Kyo.....Then what is this?'' He asked helplessly with tears brimming in his eyes as he stood there with hunched shoulders.

''I thought what i felt with you was the most beautiful feeling then why does his presence calms me? Why does he make me feel alive like I never had? Why does his eyes make me weak? Why does he affect me like no one had before? Why I see my world dancing when Taehyung smiles? Why do I want to protect him at the cost of my life?'' He asked, his broken voice coming out strained.

''Everything is so messed up.'' He accepted only to feel water droplets falling over him. The boy looked up towards the dark sky closing his eyes as he felt the cold water droplets doing nothing to calm the burning in his chest.

Standing there with his eyes closed, the boy let the nature drench him. A warm tear slid down from the corner of his eyes followed by many other but this time, he didn't try to wipe them, neither he tried to hide it.

Hide from whom?

There was nobody to witness him breaking once again.

He was all alone again like he had been for the rest of his life.

He couldn't think of a way out. All he could see was darkness. He didn't want Taehyung to go through any pain again and at the same time, he couldn't do anything to protect him from that.

He was stuck between his duties, responsibilities towards his nation and the love of his life.

Was he ready to give up on Taehyung for the sake of his duty? Specially after living almost whole of his life alone? will he be able to live if something happened to Taehyung? Will he be able to forgive himself for letting all of it happen to Taehyung?

He accepted that Taehyung was wrong as a mafia queen but he was also tortured. Okay, it doesn't justify his actions but if the silver haired boy had got the justice at the right time, he wouldn't have felt the need to become what he was today.

Jungkook had so many excuses to justify Taehyung's actions but deep down, he knew that they will not work in front of the law and order. So what Taehyung was a victim himself but it didn't give him right to take the law in his hands and kill people for his revenge and then become a mafia queen and do business of lives as they were some goods.

There was no way Jungkook could save the love of his life and abide by his duty at the same time. He had promised when he had took the oath before he was awarded his uniform that he will always work in favour of the greater good of the society and will always prioritise his nation and national interests over his personal interests.

Another tear slid down his cheek towards his ear as he stood facing the sky letting the cold water mix up with his burning emotions. Once the knot in his throat eased, the boy sat down on his knees in front of Kyo's grave and looked at his hand with the ring decorating his finger.

''I don't know if I am right or not, Kyo....b-because I think I am not the same Jungkook anymore who loved you back then because this Jungkook......'' He paused for a moment to look up at the grave. ''H-He loves K-Kim Taehyung.....'' thunder terrified the earth while the lightening stuck across the dark sky as the rain became heavier when Jungkook confessed it out loud for the first time.

As if the nature was also crying with the black haired boy, the pitter patter of the heavy rain accompanied with furious, cold winds snatched the serene silence of the graveyard and started mourning with Jungkook.

''I am sorry f-for everything. I promised I will never give your place to s-someone else but Kyo, I didn't give him your place, he made his own place in my life and my n-numb heart. He made me feel again and now, I can't stay away from h-him.'' He sobbed out loud hiding his face in his hands while rain cascaded down on him.

''I did everything to n-not be affected by him b-but he crossed every barrier, broke down each g-guard I placed around my heart, Kyo.....I never thought that I will fall for s-someone like him but I didn't r-realise when it happened.....'' He wiped his tears which were not ready to stop anytime soon.

The black haired boy looked at his hand once again, caressing the ring in his hand before looking back at the grave. ''I can't bear the burden of this ring anymore, K-Kyo.....I will a-always cherish what we had but carrying this ring around with m-me now feels inappropriate. It m-makes me feel if I am cheating with not only you but T-Taehyung too. I want to be h-honest with you but I d-don't have the same feelings for you anymore. I may always adore you as a friend now but love? Only Taehyung has all the right on my heart....'' The boy slowly took out the ring, silently crying while his chest felt heavy.

There was something dying inside him slowly as the reality was hitting him bit by bit.

Was it his heart?

He didn't know.

Looking at the beautiful ring for a moment, Jungkook smiled amid his tears while the rain still drenched him with it's full intensity while thunders echoed somewhere towards the north.

''I am sorry..'' With these words, the black haired boy placed the ring on Kyo's grave and stood up. ''This is how it was supposed to end, I guess. You were a great partner, Kyo but I have move on. I hope you will find it in you to f-forgive me and accept it.'' The black haired boy smiled wiping his face and combing his hairs back which were sticking to his face.

Staring at the grave for a few more moments, the boy turned to leave only to get shocked.

There was another man standing right behind him listening to Jungkook's honest confession and witnessing raw emotions which made the black haired boy a little restless.

''W-What are you doing here?'' Jungkook asked nervously only to get a smirk in response.


Heyya babies!!

So here is another update. Hope u enjoyed. Do Vote and don't forget to share your thoughts.

I'll see you soon : )

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