Twenty Three

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Her wings were black but that didn't mean she wasn't an angel!!


Sitting in his room bare torso, Jungkook looked at the cotton wipe in his hand.

Why was queen so adamant on making him fall for him?

Why did he became so angry on him that Taehyung was ready to kill him without any second thoughts for a moment? Was the queen in a trance? or did he mean that attack?

Since the day he has joined the gang, he has observed how Queen care so much for his men. Then why so suddenly has he became so aggressive that he didn't thought anything before injuring Jungkook?

He has observed so many times how Queen looks at him. As if only Jeon Jungkook exist for him. As if Jungkook mean something to him.

Something the queen won't ever let anyone hurt.

He may have acted ignorant but he had studied each of Taehyung's action very closely.

Him getting angry when he was hurt during that robbery incident.

Him claiming Jungkook as his as the black haired boy drove both of them towards the club.

Him showing full trust in Jungkook during that roulette game.

What happened so suddenly? Why Jungkook feel like Taehyung is masking something dangerous under that facade of cheerfulness?

He was still lost in his thoughts when someone knocked on his door. The black haired boy looked up only to see the mafia queen standing in the doorway looking at him mysteriously.

Both of them held an eye contact. None of them looked away as if they were in some competition. Those brown pair of eyes held such intensity that Jungkook was sure queen was upto something that will leave Jungkook a mess again.

As the queen walked inside silently, his boots tapping the floor which echoed in the silent room, Taehyung's eyes travelled down from Jungkook eyes to his lips to the blood oozig out of the cut on his neck.

The mafia queen made sure to punish himself for giving that wound to Jungkook. He may want to see Jungkook miserable so badly but something inside him was cursing himself for giving pain to the black haired boy.

He looked down from that wound to the officer's bare, chiselled chest to his abdomen decorated with six pack abs. Jungkook ignored Taehyung's appreciating gaze on his body and started cleaning his wound on his waist.

He hissed as the Iodine came in contact with the open, bleeding wound. Taehyung looked at Jungkook face not knowing his own face was showing the pain which Jungkook has masked well but he composed himself quickly.

"Did it sting?" He asked sitting on the bed in front of Jungkook who spared a look at the queen before getting back to his work.

"Mind your own business."

"You know what else stings?" The queen asked moving closer to Jungkook totally ignoring his previous comment.

Jungkook looked at the silver haired boy blankly as he took the wipe from the black haired boy's hand.

"You falling for a trap you thought was beautiful." The queen said looking at Jungkook as he pushed the wipe a little harshly onto the wound.

Jungkook hissed in pain again and closed his eyes. His hands formed the fists and his knuckles turned pale. The queen observed the black haired boy's expressions with a blank look.

He was feeling so good watching Jungkook in pain.

But a part of him was feeling the officer's pain.

He was in a conflict between his heart and mind.

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