"I knew that something was going to happen when he called me yesterday morning and asked me a recipe that he had never cooked in his life. I should have known." Anne says once again. 

We speak a little more and then Tonya texts me that they are coming home with Emma. We end our call, promising to call them again tomorrow afternoon to tell them how Emma reacted to the news. I feel a little stressed now, not knowing how Emma will react but I am excited to tell her, to let her know that when mummies and daddies are really in love they get married. I feel stressed because I lot of changes have happened this year to our lives and I can't know how she will react to one more. 

My favorite girls are here a little earlier than expected. Harry opens the door and the house is filled with voices and laughter right away. That's how our home will be in a few months. They all come to the living room and I stand up from the couch beside the fact that I feel like fainting. The pregnancy is a bitch, and I hope that the third time will truly be a charm. 

"Mumma." Emma yells and I crouch down for her to hug me. I want to take her into my arms but Harry will panic straightaway and we don't want that. 

"How was your night with Ton and FloFlo?" I ask her, without giving attention to the conversation the other three have. 

"It was good, we ate crepes, we watched Little Mermaid and then Auntie Flo braided my hair. Today we went to the zoo. We have to go together again, mumma." 

"We will, my little honey. Go wash your hands and find Oliver. He said to me that he missed you." 

She kisses my cheek and then runs away, telling Oli's name again and again. This dog must really love her if he puts up with all of this yelling. 

"We have to tell you something." I say after I hug both of my sisters. "No, I have to show you two things." I raise my hand and both of them gasp in awe. Tonya hugs me and Florence puts her hands around us both. 

"Hey, group hug." Harry says giggling and he tries to hug us all, something that isn't that difficult for him. 

"When did that happen? You have to tell us everything." 

"Yesterday night, you knew that you little minx." I answer my sister's question. Harry planned everything with Tonya's help. They chose the ring together. 

"I didn't know that it was going to happen yesterday." She raises her voice a little and Harry and I look at the stairs. Emma is probably occupied in her room and I'm glad because I don't want her to find out that way. 

"Well, that's not the big news. Something else is going on and nobody knows about it." Harry says as secretly as he can, keeping his voice down in case Emma decides to be sneaky. "When I say that nobody knows about this, I mean it. Not even my mum, or Sophie, or Gemma. We tell you because if something happens, we want you to be here with us without having to explain anything then." He overexplains our plan. 

I take the ultrasound photo out of my book and I give it to Tonya. They both look at it with eyes wide open. "Shut up." Tonya says louder than before. 

Her eyes are filled with tears and she hugs me tighter than before. "I can't believe it, I remember you crying when you learnt that you were pregnant with Emma and telling everyone that you will never have a child again." She says while crying, making it more difficult to understand her words. 

"I know, but I really want to start my family anew with Harry. I want to have a big family with him." I say to her, almost whispering. I cry now as well. Every time I see Tonya crying, I cry as well. She does the same too. 

I see out of the corner of my eye that Florence is hugging Harry and whispering sweet affirmations to him. They are really close and Harry is always telling me that if he releases a new album again, Florence will be the only person that is allowed to interview him. Last month, we learned that they have met once in the past. Florence was an assistant of a big journalist and Harry was still on One Direction and it was one of the interviews about their movie This Is Us. Neither of them remembered meeting each other. Florence only remembered last month when we saw This is Us in an attempt to make Harry feel awkward. 

"I'm so happy for you two. Your secret is safe with us." Florence then hugs me. She is crying as well. She was part of my pregnancy with Emma and she remembers the depression and the emptiness I was feeling. 

"Why are you crying?" Emma come to the living room, holding Mister Bunny. Oliver is a few steps behind her. 

"Oh, it's happy tears." Tonya explains and wipes away the tears for the shake of my daughter. "Mumma and daddy are making us proud." She says and Emma nods. 

"I know, they are the best." She agrees with her aunt. 

Harry immediately takes her to his arms and starts leaving kisses all over her face making her giggle. 

Tonya and Florence end up staying for dinner. We order from a restaurant Harry loves and we all eat together happily. I'm going to miss the two of them when we eventually move to London. They are my rock from my teen years, before I even had a child. They will always be here for me and I will always be grateful for their existence. 

The girls left our home a few hours before Emma's bedtime. "Emma, daddy and I have to tell you something." I tell her after our dinner. We are all in the living room and we are ready to watch Wall-E. She watches me and waits for me to continue. "Your dad and I are engaged." I say and she doesn't understand me. 

Her expression makes Harry laugh. "Mumma means that we are going to get married soon. Like aunt Tonya and aunt Florence did last year." 

"WHAT?" She yells making Oliver bark. "Oh my god. I'm so happy." She tells and stands up on the couch. She puts a hand around my neck and one around Harry's. She kisses first her dad and then me. 

"Are you really happy? Nothing is going to change, you know that." I tell her, reassuring her. I wonder what her reaction is going to be when I tell her that she is going to be a big sister. 

"Yes. A wedding. Oh, mumma. You are going to be so beautiful." She says and sits on my lap putting her hands around me. That's her way of telling me that everything is fine. "But, I am going to be the flower girl, right?" She asks making Harry and I laugh. 


Hello, sorry that it is so small, it's just a filler. The next one is the one with the relocation back to London. I wonder what it is going to go wrong. I hope that I won't make you wait for the next chapter. 

I STARTED A NEW STORY. It's called Right where you left me and it's Famousrry and an exes to lovers trope. It's obviously inspired by the music industry herself, miss Swift. Tell me your opinions in the comments <3 

See youuuuu

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