70 ~ A Night Before Departure

Start from the beginning

"I will miss you everywhere, my love,"

He slowly turned me to make me look at him.


I asked.

He nodded.

"Of course, you are my half, half soul, half breath and half everything. I am half without you,"

He said and I smiled.

"The feelings are the same, Ranaji,"

I said and he furrowed his brows saying.

"It sounds really unusual when you call me Ranaji when we are alone. I hope you remember that you do not have to, little wife,"

I chuckled a little with the timidness bubbling up on my cheeks and I said.

"I like calling you Ranaji than Rudra. It makes me feel butterflies in my stomach,"

He smiled and cupped my cheeks gently with his hands.

Bringing my face closer to his, he gently brushed his lips against mine for a moment and said.

"Let's have dinner, love,"

I nodded and he held me held as we both walked back into the bedroom.

The attendees had placed the huge plate of dinner for both of us on the table and the aroma of hot food immediately filled my nostrils making my mouth water.

We both washed our hands and sat on the couch to start eating.

My eyes were often drawn to him as he was looking extremely handsome and beautiful in a pure white outfit.

"Aaj aap hume see kyu dekh rahi hai,"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

He asked and I timidly looked back at the plate saying.

"You are looking so delicious today,"

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me closer to him.


He asked and I nodded.


I tore a bite and forwarded my hand to him. He gently cupped my bangle-filled wrist with his hand and grabbed the bite. I felt his lips tickling my fingers and it felt so intimate unknowingly.

I gulped and he just looked deep into my eyes. I did not know why I was blushing so much now.

I saw him chewing, his Adam's apple bobbing up when he swallowed.

I immediately brought my gaze back to the food as I remembered the night we spent a week ago. My heart suddenly started to race and I felt him leaning in closer to the side of my neck and gently kissing my skin for a moment with his warm lips.

I immediately inhaled sharply and brought my neck away to look at him. A slight smile escaped through my lips and I tried to say.

"I am feeling hungry,"

He smiled.

"So do I, little bird,"

I just smiled feeling insanely timid right now and tried to focus on the food.

We both ate silently for the next few moments until we finished the food. Our eyes were constantly searching for gazes, for glances and for locking each other.

Finally, when we finished eating, I managed to stand up and excuse myself to wash my hands.

But, I could feel him standing up too and he walked closer to me to wash his hands too. I did not know why I was feeling like smiling this much.

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