Special Chapter

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Two weeks after Wilhelm's death:

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Two weeks after Wilhelm's death:

Pierre won

I never saw Zia Elena in this shape of her life, today marked Zio's two week death. The first week of his death, she never left her room. She wasn't able to look after herself and Alice.

Me and my siblings kept her occupied every single day to distract her from everything, father flew to Sweden to bury his body next to his parents.

Alice didn't notice anything except her mother's absence since Zia rarely left her room.

We had everyday a sleepover and watched movies and shows that we liked. Swimming was our favourite part of the day, I know that I missed my training but father said it wasn't a problem.

The second week Zia tried her best to be the mother she needed for Alice. Till yesterday evening everything went fine until she made the decision to leave Italy and start a new life in  America.

It was on the other side of the world so travelling was going to be hard even though I owned  a jet at the age of 11.

And right now they were leaving after 2 and half years.

We were never going to see each other for the rest of our lives except if something happens and she has to return back here. I'd hope soon.

"Bye charlie" Alice hugs Charles
"Bye Ally"

They pull away and Charles takes something out of his pocket. It was the bracelet they made months ago.

"Here" he gives her but she doesn't take it.
"Keep it until I cowme hewre again, please rewmber me even if we awre old" she closes his hand with the bracelet.

The day of her death:

Fuck fuck fuck.

"Take the next flight here with Alice and Stella" I say in a stern tone.

"I can't, I'm not going run anymore from him. The time came for me to face him, take care of my children Lorenzo. How you took care of Alice when your Zio died"

I close my eyes trying to hold my tears. I was sitting on my bed the blanket was pulled off.

"Please Zia" I beg
"I love you Lorenzo" she says. "Promise you would watch over my daughters"

I could hear her cry till here, she was my second mother. I wish she would've listened to me and come to us so I could protect her too.

"I promise and I love you Zia don't forget that" I say closing my eyes and letting the tears fell.

I cried the last time when father died 5 years ago. She hangs up leaving me alone with a hole in my heart, I place my phone on my bed and get up to drink some water.

I open the fridge and take a bottle of water and close it but mother was standing there in her pyjamas.

"Talk to me" she says taking a place on the chair, I place the bottle on the counter.

"I couldn't convince her mamma" I cry "her daughter's are coming but she isn't"

I left her with the death later that day all alone.

Pierre won again.

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