Bound by Quidditch, Embraced by Stars (reg pov)

Start from the beginning

"Well, that's odd."

I made a quick glace to Dorcas as she shifted in her seat her eyes trailing the blond beater "Suppose it is yes."

He tilted her head to the side falling into a familiar dreamy state that I had grown rather fond of "So is Gryffindor going to win?"

"If they can catch the snitch, yes."

"OK, so am I supposed to root for Gryffindor or Hufflepuff." she said dead paned.

I smiled "You're in the Slytherin stands, so I would suggest Hufflepuff."


"Just cheer when I cheer, all right?"

"Got it."

After the game proceeded, each team not scoring many more points. Longbottom called for a timeout, so the teams Quickly gathered their brooms landing. They all ran into the locker rooms under the guidance of their captains. I knew exactly what was going on in those rooms, I had been playing Quidditch for far too long not to know.

In the Hufflepuff one I would suspect Lydia Parkinson the captain in her last year, and one of the beaters would most likely be telling Amose Diggory to keep circling the pitch and catch the snitch. Probably telling their chasers Megan Flinch, Benjy Fenwick and Eliza Abbott to target the center goal more than the other two, which they have been doing. Probably tell Owen Marsh to keep up on his broom, not letting it scare him anytime he needs to move. There should be, encouraging and full of 'we got this team' type bull shit.

And in the Gryffindor, I would suspect Frank Longbottom is losing his got damn mind at all his players. I'd probably expect him losing it on Marlene then having Alice give her some advice about what to do with the bat, even though he also is not a beater most likely telling her to stay in sync with Alice or be more aware of her surroundings and stop almost hitting Gryffindors. That room would be far more somber than the Hufflepuff one.

The teams made their way back onto the pitch, each taking their brooms, soaring off, holding their own positions. Again, the game started back up, and Pandora followed my gestures cheering me when I chaired, making small talk with those around her, as she always seemed to be able to do. Barty was doing the same thing to Evan where he tapped him on the shoulder telling him when to cheer for Hufflepuff. Dorcas was in her own little world, silently rooting for her girlfriend. I knew the feeling.

The game went on for about 20 minutes after that. Rain slowly fell from the sky, soaking all of us in the stands.

The 2 seekers took a steep dive down to the ground as they finally saw the snitch. They dove and dove until the announcer yelled "Diggory has caught the snitch 150 points to Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff wins!!!"

The stands around he yelled loudly with cheers as Gryffindor's booed from acrost the pitch looking solum. My eyes trailed James as he went to the locker room, he was tense, face burning red and hair dripping of water. Dorcas and I bolted to the locker rooms disappearing in the crowd, no one paying us much attention most just trying to get inside.

Dorcas and I ran down the stairs and opened the Gryffindor locker rooms door to hear frank Longbottom harsh voice blaring through the room "-what was that out there huh? I have never seen our team play so sloppy before. Fabian, Gibian why was you two so out of synch?" Dorcas and I hid behind some lockers so no one on the team would notice us.

One of the red heads mumbled something I could not understand "come again?" the captain asked. "My girlfriend broke up with me." the taller one said looking at his shoes.

"Oh, boo ho leave that shit off the pitch," note to self, do not fuck with a pissed off Longbottom "Alice, McDonald what was going on out there?"

"Sorry Frankie but I haven't flown with blondie before." The brunet who I also wouldn't mess with said chewing on gum.

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