- Chapter 36

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You wake up to find yourself strapped to a chair in a dark room. The walls are lined with bars and the only thing in the room is a table with a single candle sitting on it. You are completely disoriented. The last thing you remember is being locked up by guards. You look up to see a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at you from across the room.

"Are you familiar with the Fatui?"

You look up to see a woman seated at the table opposite you, booklet in hand. For a minute, you are speechless, but finally manage to say,

"Why am I here?"

"Are you familiar with the Fatui, yes or no?"

The woman repeats her question, annoyed. You stare at her blankly, trying to work up the courage to answer. She sighs impatiently and repeats herself again, this time more forcefully.

"Not to be rude, but
who isn't familiar with the Fatui?"

You replied, offended. The woman rolls her eyes and sighs before continuing,

"Have you been to Sumeru before?"

"I mean, I was kidnapped and
then sold as a stripper to this club
which is in Sumeru. Does that count?"

The woman raised her eyebrow before looking you up and down in a judgemental look. You shrug your shoulders and smile. The woman checks her booklet before waving her hand towards you,

"Alright, you're free to leave traveller. Just make sure to check in with Katheryne because she had checked you out of your absence. Just tell her about your kidnapping and she'll clear it."

She stands up from the table and walks over to a nearby door. She opens the door and pulls you along with her. You both walk by a few corridors before finally reaching the front entrance. A guard greets you with a sharp salute and escorts you both back to the main hall of the club. He unlocks the door to your cage and bids you farewell. You walk out into the night air and find yourself standing on a busy street corner.

A man dressed in leather armguards approaches you, smiling.

"Good evening, ma'am. Are you lost?"

You look at the man confused and reply,

"No, I'm fine. I'm just going home
after a long day."

The man chuckles,

"No ma'am. Let me help you!"

The guard smiles as he grabs you by the arm and takes you down a sketchy street, where eventually a sack is pulled over your head.



"Dear, Child..."

The woman whispered in a soothing tone,

"I understand why you did what you did. But we've got to get you back now... We will take care of you, and everything will be okay once you get your life back on track again."

The sound of her heels clicked through the empty chamber, as she made her way towards the navy haired man. He had been locked up in special gear and tortured all night in this prison cell.

Scaramouche looked up at her with all the strength he had left, "No..."

The woman gave him a small smile.

"We'll be back soon... I promise."

She motioned to a man in a cloak who released Scaramouche from handcuffs and various other equipment keeping him stuck.



Before you could even blink the lights flickered on and the room filled up with people in hoods, wearing black robes. The moment you looked up, you saw Scaramouche kneeling with his hands tied behind his back, about five meters in front of you. His back was to you, giving the impression that he was unaware of your presence.

A strange bald man entered the room. The man was wearing an old and tattered robe that made a shuffling noise as he moved about. He raised his hands in the air, giving out a weird prayer that seemed very unfamiliar. His voice echoed off the walls filling the room with this strange sense of dread. After finishing his prayer, the bald man pushed Scaramouche out of the room with one of the hooded people.

Suddenly, a tall woman who looked like royalty entered the room. She had long fiery hair that reigned down her back and she moved with a certain regal grace that commanded respect. She circled you countless of times before demanding one of the hooded people to lock you up in the lowest cell. You were ushered into a tiny chamber by two hooded men, where the door was shut as soon as your feet stepped in. The room was damp and cold and it took every ounce of strength just to stay standing upright against the slimy walls. You hear voices coming from outside your cell but you cannot make out what they are saying.

You really did have a habit of being locked up constantly... didn't you?

Last journey with a new beginning || scaramouche x y/nDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora