- Chapter 20

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You woke up with a sharp pain in your head. Your head was aching like mad. You tried to rub your temples but when you reached towards your face, your hand met with a texture similar to a potato bag. Only then had you realised that you had a potato bag over your head. You tried standing up but fell right back down, which made a huge thud. You were in some sort of moving vehicle.

"Sorry for knocking you out darling, I hope your head doesn't hurt too bad!"

Said a voice near you.

"Where the hell am I? and where
the hell are you so i could punch you,"

You threatened.

"Well, you are in a carriage, or more like a box closed from all sides. And I am in the drivers seat so unfortunately for you, you won't be able to punch me!"

He responded in a happy voice. He spoke in an overly too powerful british accent. Which, kind of threw you off.

"Where the hell are you taking be brit boy"

"Brit boy? Well, we are going down to my secret lab. If i were to tell you where exactly then it wouldn't be a secret lab anymore."

"When will we reach?"


You gave him a deep sigh. At least you didn't need to walk.

Time passed by pretty slowly. Every now and then you would ask,


and he would always respond,


With each time you asked, the more annoyed he would respond until he threatened to throw you on the side walk.

He threw you on the side walk.

You hadn't been happy in years. You were free again! You could start adventuring all over again from the beginning. You removed the potato bag from around your head. You smelt the grass and looked at the trees. Where the hell were the trees. On riiiiight. Mushrooms? Huge mushrooms. You must be in Sumero. You had always wanted to visit here. Dang this place was green. You were enjoying the peaceful aura until you spotted a few hilichurls walking towards you. So you started running. And they started running. And then you ran on top some sort of green type of plant that looked like a mushroom and went flying off.

Now you were stuck on a huge mushroom. The next thing you know you are being pulled down by your arm and you are tied up and then you were hung above a bon fire. You looked around, hilichurls surrounding you in every direction. Never until how had you known hilichurls eat humans. You felt the heat under your feet and you were sure that any second by now your shoe would catch fire. But before it could you were the hilichurls that surrounded you were all dead and you were being carried somewhere else, still stuck on that huge kebab stick. You were guessing it was just another set of hilichurls who stole you and were going to eat you. But no, they were a group of humans!

Once you were carried to a clear field, all the people in the group surrounded you. They stared at you in a weird way.

"Let's camp here tonight"

Commanded one of the woman from the group. They all nodded before setting up all the tents.

"JJ! The chick sleeps at your tent tonight since you're on guard."

The supposedly JJ person nodded at the woman in agreement and pulled you into their tent before smiling at you and leaving the tent, leaving you all alone in that tent.

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