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kinda a filler chapter... but a chapter nonetheless

"You don't have to force yourself into a relationship if you're not ready for it. With Michael or with me. I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend, I'm just asking you to come back into my life, first. That's all I need, you by my side... Anyway, I can have you."

You gripped the armrest tightly, trying to think about Michael and your relationship. Were you really only doing this because you owe him something? Didn't you actually like him? Were you really just using him? What-

"You okay, Almina?" Michael asked, gently caressing your knuckles. 

"No- Yeah! I'm good, just the turbulence." You chuckled, hoping he would believe your half-assed lie. 

"Ok," Michael smiled, placing his hand on yours as he laid back in his seat. 

I can't keep lying to him. This isn't right. This is exactly why I left Aaron and Sebastian and now I'm doing the same thing. This isn't right. I have to end things with Michael. I will end things with Michael once we reach home. I will sit him down and get this over with. You kept repeating over and over again until you fell asleep. 

"Take weeks, Months. But just promise you'll come back to me. Because, I promise I'll be waiting for you, no matter how long you take. I will always be waiting. I love you, Mina."

"Almina?" You smiled, rubbing your eyes as you woke up. "Almina? We're about to reach," Michael smiled at you. "Look," He said, pointing at Ryan, who was pouting while looking at the city below. 

"Do I have to come back?" She knocked on the window. "I could have just stayed back," 

"If you're stuck in Maui, who's gonna be my food tester? Who would have helped me empty out the fridge?" You pull her off the window.

"Ha-Ha, you're so funny," Ryan mocked, going back to looking out the window.

"Fasten your seatbelt, Almina," Michael said as the sign turned on. You nodded, doing as he said, and sat back, waiting to get back home. 

It took almost 2 hours for you guys to get home with the traffic and having misplaced Ryan's luggage which was a huge pain in the ass. But, now Michael was helping you bring the suitcases up as you dragged a sleepy Ryan to your door. 

"I left the luggage in the living room, is that okay?" Michael said, coming out of the house.

"Yeah, I'll put her to bed and hit the bed myself, I'm absolutely worn out from the trip." You smile walking in as Michael steps out. 

"Alright, I'll see myself out then," He smiled, before turning to leave when you called for him. 

"Michael?" You called.

"Yeah?" He turned around.

"Ca- Can we meet up at the coffee shop tomorrow?" You stuttered a bit. 

"Yeah- Sure, lemme know what time." He pursed his lips. "See you later, Almina." 

"Okay, bye Michael." You waved. "Text me when you get home!" You yelled as he walked to the elevator. Michael nodded and waved at you before the elevator doors closed. I'm doing the right thing. I can't keep faking this and give Michael false hope. 

Daddy Issues ~ Sebastian Stan {Completed}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat