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The three of you walked to the happy couple. You tried not to stare but Sebastian had a plain white shirt tightly tucked into his black jeans. His short hair was combed back, with the light brown highlights shining under the room's lighting—a long silver braided chain around his neck and disappearing into his shirt. 

"Let's go before they close the place," Alejandra clapped her hands as she got up, pulling Sebastian and Ryan out the door. 

You and Michael walked slowly behind them, just enjoying the cool breeze of the summer night.

"Wanna go for a walk after dinner?" Michael whispered into your ear as you reached the huge open seating area buzzing with people. 

"Yeah!" You smiled as you reached an empty table. 

The dinner went surprisingly smoothly, there was a bit of tension between Michael and Sebastian and you tried not to make eye contact with Sebastian or Alejandra, only contributing when anyone was directly talking to you. 

"Hey, you guys head back, we'll walk around for a bit," Michael informed Ryan as they walked back to the rooms. 

"Alright, come back quickly though, I wanna catch the fire show tonight." Ryan smiled, waving as she jogged back. 

"Let's go?" Michael took your hand, walking towards the beach. You removed your sandals and held them in one hand, holding Michael's hand with the other as he pulled you towards the sand. 

"Slow down! We're not in a rush," You laughed at his excitement. 

"No," He shook his head, stopping when the cool waves hit his feet. 

"It's cold," You shivered, stepping back a bit. 

"It's 8 in the night, of course, it's cold," Michael laughed as he took a step closer, letting the water wash up to his calves. 

"I agreed to walk, not to play in ice water," You frowned. 

"Okay," Michael smiled, kissing your nose as he held your hand and began to walk along the shore. 

The two of you stayed quiet as you walked, just enjoying the calm breeze and each other's presence. 

"Wanna sit down for a while?" Michael asked once you were a little away from the resort. You nodded, sitting down next to Michael. You looked up at the sky as you placed your head on his shoulder, gently swaying with the wind. 

"You know my grandmother used to tell me this story about how stars were born." Michael stared, placing his hand on your hip, and pulling you close. "That stars are homes to spirits of those who lived. And that if you ever felt alone or wanted to talk to someone you had lost, you can just look up at the sky and call them. And if you heartfully miss them, they will shine brightly, signally that they are here and listening to you. Then you can tell them whatever you want. And apparently, the spirits of your loved one appear over you when you feel sad or lonely." He turned to you, "So if you ever feel down, you just need to look up," 

You stayed quiet, just looking up at him. You tried to think about how distant you had been with Michael compared to Sebastian. You forcefully kept your distance, trying not to get too attached, trying to make sure he didn't break your walls down, and yet here he was, bare and open to you. Supporting and encouraging you. You felt like you had just been leading him on until now. 

"I'm so sorry," You said, trying to push your tears down. 

"Why?" Michael smiled, wiping the tear from your cheek. 

"You been so open and honest with me, always there for me and all I've done is shut you down and push you away." You look away, not able to face him anymore. "I've been such a horrible person,"

"Hey, hey! Of course not! Al, baby why would you think that?" Michael pulled your hands away from your face and moved to sit in front of you, tiling your head up. 

"I feel so guilt-"

"No, Al- I- I-" He pauses, looking down at you. "Don't ever feel like that, you did nothing wrong, you need time and I'm willing to give you that," 

"I'm so sorry," You shook your head. 

"Hey, there is no need to be sorry," he whispered against your forehead as he kissed it. He continued to kiss your face until he reached your lips, waiting for your permission. You leaned forward, locking your lips together. 

Michael slowly pushed you to the sand, not stopping the kiss. He slowly brought his hand to your collarbone, gently pulling the strings of the bow over your chest and pulled the hem of your dress up. You moaned as he kissed your neck, your hands moving to his buttons, slowly unbuttoning them.

You sat up, pulling your hair in a bun before laying back down and grounding yourself into the sand. Michael leaned down, kissing you to distract you from pain as he slowly pushed the fabric of your thong aside and pushed into you. "Mike-" You moaned, holding onto his arms. 

"Guys!" You both stopped, looking at each other as you heard Ryan's voice. Michael quickly pulled out, sitting up and buttoning up his shirt. 

"How did you walk this far?" The two of you quickly stood up as you were fixing your clothes, waving to Ryan as she finally saw you.

"Yeah, Ry?" You smiled, walking to her, and giving Michael some time to cool down.

"The fire show apparently got postponed to tomorrow so, I thought I would join you guys for a walk. I ate too much, wanna burn it out." She smirked, linking her arm with yours, and walked toward Michael. "Although, you two seem to have found a different way to burn it out." 

"Ryan!" You hit her arm.

"What? I know I should get glasses, but I'm not that blind. I mean, just look at the state of the two of you," She smiled, "The sand in your messy hair and wrinkled clothes... Plus the red mark on your neck." She pointed to your neck. You glared at Michael, who muttered a sorry before pulling you to him. 

The three of you continued to walk along the shoreline, Ryan, and Michael talking about what to do tomorrow and for the rest of the trip, while you smiled, listening to them. 

"So, there is no rest?" You asked after completely listening to Ryan's agenda.

"Rest is for the lazy, we are here to experience everything in the limited time we have," Ryan said, pointing her hand in front of her. "Just follow my lead."

"Aye, aye captain." You and Michale saluted at her antics. 

Maybe this vacation is what you needed. Just to spend some quality time with your best friend and Michael on an island without caring about anything else. 

Daddy Issues ~ Sebastian Stan {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now