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The two of you sat quietly against the wall, trying to catch your breath.

"Look-" You both say at the same time. Sebastian turns to you.

"This was a mistake, I have Michael and you have Alejandra, it isn't right for us to be like this and especially with our history," You finish, getting up to leave when Sebastian tries to hold your hand but misses, barely feeling your knuckles as your hand slips away. Sebastian watches you walk away, your silhouette slowly merging into the night sky.

"I should have talked to her first," He sighed.

You turned away from him, not wanting him to see you break down. Those words hurt you, but you couldn't break down in front of Sebastian. You held the tears in as long as possible, turning around when the first one slipped. Why does this hurt so much? Why must he hurt you so much? Why does being around him bring you so much pain yet so much comfort? Why is he messing with you so much? Why are you even here? Why did you have to get involved with him in the first place? Why are you in my life, Sebastian Stan! I hate you! I! hate! you!!

"Mina!" Sebastian called out, you ignored him and continued to walk toward your rooms. "Mina!" Sebastian rushes to you, holding your wrist to stop you.

"Let go," You say through gritted teeth. He is bad, Almina! Remember that!

"No," Sebastian shook his head.

"I said let go," You turn toward him, seeing his bloodshot eyes with continuous tears.

"Please, listen to me-" He pulls your hand to his lips gently kissing it before holding it against his chest.

"I- I ca- can't do th-that," You shake your head, trembling.

"Just, please!" He pleas.

"No, you just listen!" You scream. "I can't even look at you, let alone listen to you!" You yank your hand away from his grip, feeling the burn on your skin where he was touching you. "How can you come here after what you did? How dare you be here right now? How can you even look at me without guilt?" You cry. "How can you come here with her?" You whimper.


"How can you come here with that thing and act all heart eyes?" You clutch his shirt. "How can you act like we were never anything? Like we never did all those things and said all those things?" You shake him, trying to get a sound out of him.

"Mina, I-"

You lean your head against his chest, your mind spinning from all the overwelling emotions from months of silence, lies, and suppression. "I loved you." You whisper. "That day- I came to tell you that I loved you. Bu-but instead I lost them." Your throat went dry at the thought of the accident. "I lost them," You wail. It took months of debate, crying, and madness for you finally tell him about his dead child. "I killed them... with my own hands!"

"Who?" Sebastian pulls you off of him, making you look at him. "Mina, what are you talking about?" You just shook your head, not able to utter a word. "Mina, baby, I need to know who's hurt right now."

"Hurt? Not hurt. Dead! And it's all my fault! I failed to protect them!" You look at him, your knees giving out making you lose your balance and fall.

"Who, honey?" Sebastian's tone calms down, holding you up in his arms.

"My baby," You breathe out, crawling closer to him and curling into his body. "I- I was pregnant." You gulp, looking up at Sebastian's face, which was pale now thanks to your announcement.

"What?" His voice was barely heard as his hands loosened around you.

"I- I came over... then. To tell you that I was pregnant. Bu- but instead I killed them," You repeated the last part over and over again.

"Mina, min- Mina!" Sebastian shook your shoulders. "Baby, you got into a car accident. You didn't do anything on purpose," He pulled you close, squeezing your body against his. "It's okay, honey, it's okay." He kept repeating until your shivering stopped and you calmed down.

"I'm sorry, too." He finally spoke. "I am sorry for coming here, for bringing Alejandra, and for bringing you so much pain. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, sweetheart."

"I- I'm so sorry, but I- I just couldn't stay away from you, Mina." You shook your head, looking up at him. "I tried, I truly did try. I tried to stay away from you, I tried to get distracted from you, doing everything I can so I won't disturb you, bu- but I couldn't. I just couldn't. And, Alejandra! Alejandra was just one of those distractions. I love you, Almina. Only you. Please come back to me. Please! I'm going crazy without you. I need you more than anything in this world, Mina. I know I've made mistakes and I'm really hoping you can forgive me and give me one last chance. Please!"

"No," You moved out his arm, "I- I can't, no" You shook your head. "Ryan, Michael, Scarlet, Muma! No!"


"I loved you, but you hurt me. In more than one way. My dad, Alejandra, and-"

"Mina, please!"

"I don't like Alejandra, but I can't do that to her. You may not see her like that but she does, Sebastian." That was the first time you said his name properly, it almost felt foreign. "An- And, Micheal! I can't do that to Michael! I already own him so much and then Ryan-"

"Own him?" Sebastian stopped your rambling. "Mina, do you feel like you owe him your relationship?"

"What? No!" You scoffed. "He's just done so much for me, and is so kind and understanding about everything."

"So?" Sebastian raised his eyebrow.

"So?! The least I can do is be a good girlfriend,"

"Mina, you don't have to force yourself into a relationship if you're not ready for it. With Michael or with me. I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend, I'm just asking you to come back into my life, first. That's all I need, you by my side... Any way, I can have you." He brought his hand to your cheek. "Okay?" You nodded, hypnotized by his words and eyes.

"Now, I want you to take your time, and go back to bed. Go home. Take weeks, Months. But just promise you'll come back to me. Because, I promise I'll be waiting for you, no matter how long you take. I will always be waiting. I love you, Mina." He smiled, kissing your forehead before walking back.

Daddy Issues ~ Sebastian Stan {Completed}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum