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A/N: Sorry for the VERY late update, I'ma try to upload the next chapter or two tomorrow. 


Sebastian's POV:

I leaned back, trying to catch some shut-eye after the stressful, sleepless weekend. The dealing with Hemmy, and Pratt, and continuous calls from Mackie, left me sleep-deprived, and out of it.

I closed my eyes, trying to rest up for a bit. 

"Welcome, Mr. Stan!" A petite blonde woman smiled as I entered the building. I smiled back, shaking her extended hand. Her eyes traveled from my face to where our hands connected to my crotch. Oh, we are soo gonna fuck later, I smirked, seeing her bit her lip. 

"Right this way," She turned around, clutching her clipboard as she sway her hips side to side for me to see. "Be seated and, I will let Mr. Downey know you are here." She smiled, pointing at the couch set, before walking away. 

"Hey," A male voice called from the other side of the couch, making me look away from the hot PA's ass to a pale, skinny guy, his hair was a mess, the frosted tips outgrown into curls. He wore an olive green oversized shirt with blue baggy jeans. 

"Hi," I smile back, picking up a magazine from the coffee table. 

"You new, mate?" Mate? He is British.

" Yeah, heard it pays a lot."I shrugged, going back to the magazine. 

I really didn't care what they made me do. I had to drop out of college because of Hayley... and also my lack of interest in education... But since I wasn't in college, I need a place to stay, and to get a decent place in New York, you either need parental support or a job. 

My mom was more than happy to help, but my asshat of a step-dad was strictly against me ever since they married, so this was his golden opportunity to disown me. Which leaves me with no other option. 

A few days ago, I was walking home from my shift at a nearby coffee store when one of the regulars, Mark, called me over and ask if I wanted an internship at his friend's company. And me being overdue on rent and pretty much starving, without hesitation said okay. 

"Oh," He frowned. Just as he was about to ask me something, Ms. Too Big for Jeans walked out, "Mr. Downey will see you both now." I nodded, placing the book back on the table before getting up, and following her to the huge double doors, with scrawny following behind.

A short man, maybe mid to late 30s, with a goatee, rectangle glasses, and a cigarette in his mouth stood at the end of the room, behind the mahogany table. He has his hands in the piles of papers scattered on his desk. By the look of it, he must have been here for days if not weeks. 

"Welcome, Mr. Stan and Mr. Hiddleston!" He looked up, combing though his wild hair, and placing the cigarette bud in the ashtray, before walking around the dark brown table to us. "You can leave now sweetie!" He winks at the woman before turning back to us. I watch her as she does. 

"You're droolin' there Stan," Mr. Downey pointed, smirking as I straightened myself. 

"Sorry sir," I smile, walking to him. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I extend my arm, shaking his hand. 

"Oh! The pleasure is all mine." He smiles back. "Please, have a seat, both of you." He pointed to the two chairs closest to us, before walking to the other side. "Mark has told me soo much about you. I heard you make a damn good coffee." He laughs. 

Daddy Issues ~ Sebastian Stan {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now