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It had been days since the crew had done anything, Luffy was the first to announce that issue. "I'm so BOOORED!!! When can we do things!" He complained.

"I have to agree with Luffy on this one. I don't mind relaxing, but sometimes it's too much." Nami says laying in a chair next to Robin.

"Then, the next island we see, we should stop buy and see if there's anything to do." Robin says reading the last of her book.

"Well Nami's a navigator, why doesn't she just see where we are." Ussop says fishing off the side of the boat.

"I was just looking at some maps last night, it shouldn't be long before we reach another island." Nami sighs while painting her nails.

"Like that one!!" Luffy says loudly while standing on the edge of the boat. As they reach around the cliff, they see a whole city with bright lights, and carnival rides. Loud music was playing, and everyone there was having a good time.

"Wow! It looks like one giant party!" Chipper says, while looking through ussops goggles. "Yeah! You have some good timing Luffy!" Nami says.

Everyone was gathering near the edge of the boat to see the island, till a door behind them opened. Zoro yawned and rubbed his face before stretching to see what the commotion was about.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up. Good evening sleeping beauty." Says sanji in a mocking tone. "Do you always have to be a sarcastic ass every time I enter anywhere?" Zoro asks rhetorically.

"Maybe wake up earlier." Sanji says. "I'll show you who needs to wake up." Zoro says reaching for his swords. "Enough you two!! We need to decide where we're going to doc." Nami says.

"Yeah! hey Zoro! Come look at the island!" Luffy says. Zoro sighs and picks up chopper and pushes Luffy off the edge, on the floor. "OW!!" Luffy yelled. "Stop standing on the edge, you're going to fall in the water." Zoro says monotonously.

"Sooo, what do you think?" Nami asks. "Well, I'm not a big event guy, but if there's something to drink, I don't mind going." Zoro says. Nami squealed in excitement with her little jumps, and randomly but swiftly steals chopper and hugs Zoro, since he's not much of a hugger either.

While everyone left to do their own thing, Sanji came next to Zoro and lit a cigarette, while saying "Wooow, never thought I'd see the day you agree to go somewhere fun." Blowing out smoke. "You again. And for your information, I don't mind fun places, we've just never been anywhere fun or this exciting." Zoro says.

"Yeah right, you can just say you're an introvert there's no shame in it." Sanji says. "I'm NOT a goddamn introvert!" Zoro says.

"Will you two ever not argue for two minutes? Seriously it's getting annoying." Nami says sternly. The two turn towards her with two different expressions, one was blank...and the other was practically drooling.

"Nami dear!! you look so beautiful in that dress!!" Sanji says while wriggling around. "Thank you, but why aren't you two dressed?!" She asked. "Dressed for what?" Zoro asks.

"The island! It's a nice, fancy, fun island. You should dress up even if you are just going to drink. Even Luffy is dressing up." Nami says. "Did you have to force him to?" Zoro asks. "That doesn't matter! Just get ready!!" Nami says.

"I don't have anything to wear!" Zoro yells a little. "Then barrow one of Sanji suits." Nami says. "What?! He can't wear my clothes!!" Sanji says.

"How about Zoro takes a shower first? Because we all know you haven't done that for a while." Nami says. Zoro made a pouting, yet irritating face and sighed. "Fine, I'll clean myself." He says moseying towards the showers.

"Now you! I'm not gonna dog on you about clothing cause you usually dress nicely, but lighten up a bit and help him out. We're going somewhere nice for once." Nami said walking off.

Sanji groaned to himself before taking one last hit of his cigarette and putting it out with his shoe.

Later, Sanji was in his room sitting playing with a deck of cards, waiting for Zoro to get done with his shower he takes once a week.

"Hey, I'm done." Zoro says barging in. "What are you doing!? You can't just be walking around the ship naked!" Sanji yells. "I'm not naked! I have a towel on!" Zoro yells back.

Sanji sighs and sits back in his chair. "Whatever, I set some clothes out for you to try on. Use my bathroom around the corner. Come back so I can see you." Sanji says playing with his deck of cards.

Five minutes go by and Zoro yells "Uh, cook! I don't think this fits!" Sanji sighs and stands back up "Well come out here and let me look at ya." He says.

Zoro walks out with black pants and blazer with a silky green button up shirt. "This shirt won't button all the way." He says struggling.

"Well then don't button it! leave it how it is. Don't want you stretching out my shirts." Sanji said straightening out the blazer. "Besides, ladies dig a little chest exposure. You have a very broad one so, be confident." Sanji says.

"Thanks? to bad I'm not looking for any women, just booze." Zoro says. "You're really no fun, aren't you?" Sanji asks rhetorically. Zoro gritted his teeth "just because I don't wanna waste my time for someone who might only want me for one thing, isn't not fun. It's called dodging bullets." Zoro says.

"Whatever, you're hair needs a fixing. Let's go to the bathroom, and get this over with." Sanji says. "My hair is fine." Zoro says. "Hey, Nami left you up to me, what I say goes." Sanji says, while making his way towards the bathroom. Zoro groaned as he shuffled his feet behind him.

Minutes later, everyone was waiting for them at the doc. Finally, Zoro comes out with his clothes and pushed back hair. Sanji with similar clothing, only in white and blue.

"Wooow, you two look amazing!!" Nami says. "Yes, you two look very nice." Robin compliments. "Robin dear! You look so divine in your long dress!! It suits you well!"  Sanji says.

"I'm starving!! Let's hit all the restaurants there is!!" Luffy says, carrying Chopper on his shoulders. "I don't know bout you guys, but I'm stopping by the casinos. You can join if you want Robin." Nami says.

"I'll join just to see why you like gambling so much." She says. "Sorry to leave you guys alone, but I'm checking out some of the shops here, might be able to find something to build with." Ussop says.

Sanji took another hit of his cigarette before putting it out, says "Well Zoro, hope you have fun doing whatever it is you do. I'll be at the bar where all the ladies are at." Sanji says.

"I thought you don't drink?" Zoro asks. "Just a sip won't hurt." Sanji says cheekily smiling. "Punk ass bitch, making fun of me for wanting to drink." Zoro thought, as he walks into a crowded bar, and ordering his first shot.

 Title. (Sanji xZoro boko) Where stories live. Discover now