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I just stood there looking at her for what felt like an eternity. She looked just as she had the time before she left. When I saw her, my pounding became a bit louder. I was in awe of what I was seeing; when I saw her standing in front of me. The words I intended to say got stuck in my throat. Though I was afraid, I wanted to reach out and touch her. I was scared; that she wasn't really there and that if I reached out, she would disappear. I was terrified that this was just a dream, and I would wake up, and she would be gone. All the memories of her came back, sweeping my mind off. I had never imagined that our paths would cross again, but fate had something else in store for us.

I looked up and saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was standing there, looking at me with those same eyes I hadn't seen for years. I couldn't believe it was really her. We stood there, staring at each other in disbelief. It felt like a dream. I didn't know what to say. We both stood there, not knowing what to do next. I wanted to hug her, but I didn't know. Nobody knew that we knew each other. It was when Ash's voice brought me back to the world.

I realized there were people around unaware of the truth. She took a step forward as she came closer. I want to talk to her. Tell her how much I missed her. I wanted to ask her where she was.

"Megan, you must be tired. Let me help you with the bags. Till then, you can freshen up.", Darren offered.

I might have blanked out and missed the conversation. Man, this is going to be tough.

Everyone settled at the table while waiting for Megan.

"Hey! You two know each other?" Ash popped up the question.

I turned to see the rest of the group staring at me with confusion.

"Well..." I was thinking of what to answer when suddenly, a voice behind me completed that sentence.

"Diana and I were in the same class at Yale. That's where we know each other from." It was Megan.

"Man, that's awesome. So, Megan, it seems like you already know my girlfriend." Ash could barely contain the excitement in his voice.

Well, her ex-girlfriend as well.

"As a matter of fact, I do. Ana is the best person I know from the university. I'm so happy for you guys. More about you guys later. Right now, I'm starving."

Something was off about her, or maybe I saw her after a long time.

With all this conversation going on, I saw Ivie eying me. Wanting answers to questions that I probably know. She wanted to say something, but I gestured to her, saying it was not the right time. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important that she needed to know. She was already frustrated over Darren. I know she wanted to talk to me. Despite all this, I couldn't drift my thoughts away from Megan.

It was a little too much to handle all the overwhelming thoughts and feelings. I just went to my room after dinner. I didn't have any emotional energy in me to deal with anything at the moment. As the night wore in, I found myself lost in the memories of our time at Yale. From late nights studying together in our dorm room, the long walks around campus, and the stolen kisses in secluded corners. I tried to push these thoughts aside and focus on the present, but it was a bit difficult.

"Not tonight," my heart said. 

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