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There is something about this girl that amuses me.

After Ana asked me to join them for lunch at their place, for a moment, I couldn't think of what to answer. I was nervous as I have visited Ivie quite a few times when we were in university together but not since I left the university. But then I agreed somehow. There was a part of me who was attracted to Ana, who wanted to know more about her. As we reached their apartment and settled down, our food was there too.

We had ordered different toppings for our subways. We thought we could watch something while eating which later turned into just background music. We started talking about just random stuff, old stories from college. I suddenly got a beep of a message in my pocket and when I picked out my phone to check, it was from mom. "Are you bringing a date to the party on Saturday? And yes, invite Ivie too.", the message read. Shit. How can I forget? It's mom and dad's 30th-anniversary celebration.

Ivie noticed a change in my expressions.

" What happened Ash? Is everything all right?", she asked.

"Yeah, all good. Just a text from mom. I completely forgot about their anniversary party on Saturday. She asked me to invite you too and asked if I was bringing a date. ", I replied.

" I would love to but... " Ivie paused mid-sentence.

"But...? " Both me and Ana said synchronized.

"I am going to visit my dad this weekend.", Ivie replied.

" Wait a minute. When were you going to tell me IVANA WILSON? Is that why you got a call from your dad this morning? " Ana sounded pissed.

Ivie just nodded her head yes in response.

To calm both the ladies, I intervened, "Well I'll wish them from your side. So don't you worry. "

"But I'm sure you forgot about the gift too," Ivie said.


" Well, I am sure Ana can accompany you and help you with that. What does Ana say?" Ivie smirked.

I caught Ana blushing but didn't say anything.

"Maybe if he wants to," Ana replied.

No one could see but my heart was dancing. Maybe I could ask her to be my date. Wait. What am I thinking? I don't even know her well. What will she think of me? She'll get me wrong. Maybe I should wait. Maybe we could go gift shopping first and then I'll see if I can ask her. Will she agree to be my date?

There were so many thoughts bouncing in my head that I totally forgot about the real world until Ivie snapped her finger at me.

"Sure. Are you free on Friday? I'll come and pick you up. " I asked Ana.

"Okay, Friday sounds good to me," Ana replied and then turned to Ivie. "But you, Miss Wilson, we are not done here. I need to talk to you." There was a sudden change in her voice. That was the time I realized I should leave.

"So maybe I should leave. I'll pick you up on Friday Ana. DM me the timings. Have a safe journey, Ivie." I wished.

Ivie came to hug me and then spoke into my ears.

"I think she likes you. So don't screw it up and don't be a jerk. Otherwise, I'll kick your ass."

She then smiled and I waved them goodbye.

Well, that was a very threatening goodbye. But I can't wait to meet Ana on Friday.

When I started my car, my phone buzzed. I received a notification and as soon as I read Ana's name on the screen, I opened it in a go.

"I have no classes on Friday so I'm free. You can pick me up anytime :) "

Her message put a smile on my face. Maybe I was blushing after all. I thought of replying to her later and put my phone back on the dashboard.

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