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It was already afternoon. By the time I woke up Ivie was still in bed. Last night was very eventful. After Asher left and Ivie cleaned the place, there was this silence. Essentially, I was upset with Ivie about her not telling me she was going to see her dad.

"I'm sorry, I was about to tell you ok.......... just didn't get the time," she said, sensing the uneasiness in the atmosphere.

It was after that I realised I was being an idiot, so I just gave her a smirk and replied "well you are going to need to pack" to which she gave a big nod and we both went to her room and I helped her pack, which kept us up late at night.

I let Ivie sleep for a little while more until I got up and ready to go out with Asher. Well, it was not much of a go out. I was just helping him find a gift for his mom and dad's anniversary, which is fine for now, I guess. I made breakfast, toasted some banana bread with avocados, and woke Ivie up so that she could eat. Also, we could have some time together before Asher comes to pick me up at 3 o'clock because by the time I would come back home Ivie would have already left. Her train was at 9 and I'm pretty sure shopping is going to take a lot of time. After she freshened up and came down and had some very late breakfast, we just sat and talked for a while until Ivie teased me too much about Asher and made snarky suggestions telling me not to flirt too much. Almost when I had enough of her smart ass. The doorbell rang. And it was Asher. He came in and said hi to Ivie. They had a brief chat and then we both headed out to the car but not before Ivie passed whispered to me and said "Have fun...... make me proud" this girl, I don't know what to do with her.

I was waving at Ivie as I headed out the door so initially, I didn't notice but as soon as I turned around to where the car was parked in the driveway Asher was standing by the passenger's side and he held the door open for me. "Oh my god," I said aloud in my mind, my heart literally skipping a beat. It's not like guys haven't shown gestures with flowers, chocolates, singing romantic songs and what not but there is something uniquely amazing and beautiful about a guy showing sweet gestures without intending to, but only just because he is being himself and something like this is normal to him.

I sat down and we drove off to the mall. The first few minutes were silent and awkward but as soon as we started talking it was so smooth like we have been friends forever. He was so easy to talk to and smart enough to have a proper conversation. We talked about everything from hobbies and favorites to media influence on businesses. Thanks to him being a business owner and my major being mass communication. We hadn't even realised when we reached the mall; it was a long drive. He parked the car, and we made our way in. It was then, looking around, I realised how difficult this was going to be. I did not know what to buy for the gift. I wasn't even much of a shopper, that was Ivie's forte, she gave me some basic options on what I can get for his parents but I hardly think it was any help, "Oh dear lord this is going to be tough" I had no idea a date could be this stressful and this wasn't even one.

We were walking around the mall looking in stores, trying to find something that could be a delightful gift for both of them, but no use. Nothing was fitting. We had been at this for hours already but had gotten nothing. So finally after a decent idea popped in my head I just blurted it out "earrings and cufflinks'', he just looked at me and then even before I knew it we were off to the store guess he was as eager to get done with this as I was. He bought diamonds, that's not what was on my mind when I said that. Anyway, they were amazing, just beautiful. When we were out of the store, he suddenly said "Would you mind being my date tomorrow?"... My heart screamed. "I don't ", I replied, giving him a shy smile. I can't believe all this is happening.

After we were done there, he offered me to go have dinner with him because it was already around 7. So we had some sushi at this fancy restaurant which I can't even say the name of. The food was amazing but most of all the fact that I was there with Asher; he is a wonderful guy. We had some wonderful red wine. We talked for a while; he told me things about him and about how his dad has this wine cellar in their house. God, this guy really lives in a mansion. I made him promise he would show the cellar to me. Well now, I was looking forward to the evening even more. It was a pleasure to spend time with him. After we had our dinner, he dropped me off at the house we said our goodbyes and he drove off but not before making sure that I was safely inside the house, which for me was very sweet. Once I was there, I saw Ivie had already left, which we already suspected. Well, it was a big house, and I was alone, so I went to bed early but I hardly thought I could sleep. I was way too excited about tomorrow.

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