CHAPTER 20 - DIANA YOUNG: "A Day in Boston"

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It's only been a few days since I started my internship. The first day was a bit laid-back because all I had to do was make introductions, and one of the employees there assisted me with everything I needed to know and briefed me on the tasks I would be assisting on. The first several days with the project team were not particularly fruitful. All I had to do was bring them coffee, get lunch, deliver their files, and xerox what they needed. Although it did not test my morals, being an intern comes with the territory. I attempted to talk here and there at first, and they quickly began considering my views. Despite the reality that this was starting to happen, all my other intern responsibilities were still in full swing.

Although, today was a different day. I did bring coffee for everyone when I arrived at the office in the morning, but when it came time for lunch, one of the team members volunteered to order for everyone and even asked me if I wanted anything. Also, I didn't have to carry bundles of xeroxed documents as someone else already did. I was sitting at my desk, checking my emails, when I received a call from reception requesting me to come to the conference hall. I stood up quickly, adjusted my clothes, and headed to the conference hall. When I got inside, there was no one except for my boss. She was a middle-aged woman who was equally enthusiastic about journalism. She founded this firm a few years back and, it has been a success since then.

"Did you call me, Ms. Susan?"

"Yes, Diana. I'd want you to head a forthcoming project since the person I had chosen previously called in sick, and I can't afford any delay. So, I hope you have no problems and can do this task."

"I'm sure I can do it. I will not disappoint you."

"This is the project's detailed analysis. Begin working on it tomorrow itself. You are free to choose your partner because this project does not require more than two people."

She walked out of the hall before I could respond. Her interactions with others are limited to work-related topics only.

When I was through analyzing all of the information in the project file, I looked up to discover that it was already late and that I needed to get back home. So I asked one of the employees sitting next to me whether he was available to work on the project that had been assigned to me today. He accepted because he had recently completed his last deadline. I packed my stuff and confirmed with him that we will begin working on this tomorrow at 8 a.m.

When I walked out of the building, the taxi was there waiting for me because I had already called an Uber. It was a short and peaceful ride. I plugged in my headphones and listened to music till I reached my home. I exited the taxi, paid the driver, and began walking up to my apartment.

When I got to the front door, I saw it wasn't locked. Did I forget to lock it before I left for work in the morning? What if someone snuck in? What if there is still someone inside?

I tried to enter the apartment as quietly as possible, picking up the baseball bat that was kept by the doorway. My landlord left it, and I can't thank him enough now. It was pitch black when I receded to the living room. I heard footsteps when someone grabbed me by the waist from behind and gagged me with his hands. This sent goosebumps down my spine, and I couldn't escape his grip. Moreover, I couldn't see his face due to the darkness.

"Shhh... It's me. Don't panic."


"I planned to surprise you, but it appears that there was no electricity in the entire building before I came."

"Who surprises like this? You scared the shit out of me."

He let go of me and turned on his mobile flashlight, allowing me to clearly see his face. My subconscious wanted to kiss and slap him at the same moment. I wanted to kiss him because I missed him so much and slap him because of the stunt he pulled. I went with choice number two first. I smacked him right across his face and, then even before he could accumulate what had happened, I drew him into a kiss. It was a delicate peck at first, but as he was trying to process what had happened, he remained still for a few seconds before kissing me back. Soon after, he gently placed his hand on my waist and drew me in closer, leaving no gap between us. With the growing frustration of being away for so long, the gentle kiss turned into a deep passionate one. My hands on his back began to dig into him, causing him to groan. He shoved me into the wall behind me and slowly started to make a trail of kisses down my cheek, my collar bone to my neck. His greedy, desperate, yet passionate kisses made my calf shiver.

I was so consumed in my thoughts and how he was making me feel that I didn't notice until a moan escaped my lips, bringing me back to my senses and making me aware of my surroundings. The sharp pain on my neck that had made me moan, I knew exactly what it was. Mr. Asher Grace had just given me a hickey.

"ASHER", I almost yelled at him, but he was too busy admiring his work. I yanked his body, causing him to turn to me, and as if what he had done wasn't enough, he smirked seeing the expression on my face, which I thought was funny because thinking about how I was going to hide it at work tomorrow made me worried and, my face probably looked like I was horrified.

"I have to go to work tomorrow, Ash......what am I going to do about this?" I said, pointing to it. I was irritated and angry. I gathered my strength and moved past him, my gaze was drawn to the mirror on the opposite wall. I could see Asher's face. He was looking at me, amused. This clearly was hilarious to him. He altered his facial expressions to appear innocent and offended. Making a pout made him appear so cute that it made my heart melt, but I tried to keep a straight face and stared at him through the mirror. But as soon as he said, "Did you not like it?" I knew I couldn't stay mad at him in his sweet baby voice, especially because it had been so long since we had been together like this. Giving in to his cuteness, a smile emerged on my face. He walks right behind me and hugs me from the back resting his head on my neck.

We decided to order some pepperoni pizza and snuggle in bed to watch some movies. After taking the first piece and watching him lay next to me, I rested my head on his chest, making myself comfortable. He simply stated, "It was the best decision for me to come see you today," to which I nodded in agreement. The night was going to be spent cuddling, eating pizza, and watching TV, and honestly, after all this time, I couldn't ask for anything more.

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