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Waking up to the buzzing sound of my cell phone, I saw the screen to find Ivie was calling. I sat up and picked up the call, still rubbing my eyes, confused why she was calling me so early.

"Hey, what?", I think I spoke but could barely register the words being how sleepy I was.

"What texted yesterday you had something to say.", she replied, almost too excited for this time of the day.

"Ana...... are you still sleeping? It's 10 in the morning.", as soon as she said that, my eyes shot open to the clock. I was suddenly wide awake.

"So.......", she nagged in order to get the details out.

I figured she won't stop bugging me until she gets to know about my text from yesterday. Telling her about Asher asking me to be his date was probably not a good idea. I do not know how one could be so excited about anything.

So after giving Ivie a full detailed analysis of my previous day, telling her what and how everything happened, she finally let me go so that I could freshen up. I went to the kitchen and had a really strong coffee after I was done with it. Once, I went and brushed my teeth, but before I could go in for a bath; I saw my cell phone screen lit up again. But instead of Ivie, it was Asher this time. I picked up the call but before I could say anything he started babbling and by the time he was done; I realised I was going to a masquerade ball.

He seemed busy preparing, so we talked little. Though he was clearly amused by my panic. It made him giggle and then in no time we both were laughing. He cut the call after someone called for him in the background. He was probably already at the venue making all the arrangements. Well, I guess I was lucky I had Ivie's wardrobe as an option; I went looking through it and found a gown that would actually fit me. It was an emerald green coloured gown. Figuring out what I was going to wear for tonight made me relax a little, after which I went to take a deep cleansing bath.

The bath had me feeling extremely fresh and awake, which made me decide on having a healthy breakfast. Heading down to the kitchen again, I made myself a bowl of salad, avocado and toast and had a mixed berry smoothie with it grabbing my breakfast. I head back to my room and put on some music and start eating. As I didn't have a reason to get ready for another few hours, I scrolled on my phone for a while and then took a quick nap. After I woke up, it was already getting late, so I decided on getting ready. I did my hair first in a half-bun. Before I could move on, I saw my cell phone, and it was a message from Asher.

"I'll pick u up at 5" meaning I had a good hour and more to get ready so I put on some music and started with my makeup but only after texting Asher back and telling him I don't have a mask to which he asked the colour of my dress and said he'll take care of it. Time passed quickly once I was doing my makeup, after which I put on the gown. It was already around 5 in the evening so I went down and waited for Asher, but before I could even settle down on the couch, the doorbell rang. I got up but suddenly I was a little overwhelmed. Taking a deep long breath, I moved towards the door and opened it.

"Wow" before I could even realise the words had already left my mouth. He looked confused, probably because he couldn't hear what I said, which was for the best, or this situation could have been really awkward. I was just awestruck, he was looking god damn hot. I didn't even realize he was wearing the same colour tie as my gown. Before he made a gesture to ask if he could come in by which I got distracted and looked down from his face to see what he was wearing: a three-piece tuxedo and a green tie. It didn't match my gown exactly, but it is the thought that counts.

We moved inside; I asked him to sit on the couch and wait while I put on my heels. On doing this I moved back to the main room and told him that I was ready to which he said " you look gorgeous " and then gestured for us to move out. I picked up the house keys and locked the house. As I moved towards the car, he opened the door for me. I sat down. He started the car, and I turned up the radio. We talked all the way to the venue but this time it was more random chit chat and a lot of laughter. I didn't expect him to crack me up like that, but that didn't last very long as soon as we were at the venue.

Pointing at a box that was kept on the back seat, he asked me to open it. Upon opening that, I found both our masks, which were also green, matching our outfits. Taking out my mask and wearing it and passing Asher's to him. We finally get out of the car. Taking my hand, he walks me into the main entrance. It looked exquisite. Just by the look of it, I already knew it was going to be a wonderful night.  

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