Chapter - 8

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Double update for ValiShaik2 as a birthday gift...
Say Happy Birthday!!!!!

"Where's he ? I just wanna see him please."He bursts out at the end.
Yoongi just looked at the familiar man who is suspected to be Jungkook in a blank face.He don't want him to meet Jungkook.

"Please only this time. I just see him and go. Nothing more."Jungkook again asked but the pale man have no reaction.

"Hyunggg why are you taking so much time?"Taehyung asked unable to resist the silence. His mind can't help but imagine worst scenarios. Is Yoongi attacked?

"Tae there's someone...."Yoongi tried to make aware Tae but Jungkook closed his mouth. He shaked his head signaling Yoongi to say no. Yoongi stared at him with deep thoughts and ultimately told

"My client came. It is an urgent matter."without taking his eyes off from Jungkook who is desparately looking at the direction of Tae's sound.Taehyung wondered what is so  urgent in photos.

Jungkook can't believe how they became so far apart like this.

"I will go."Jungkook said comforting his own heart.

Actually he had an nightmare about Taehyung when asleep and badly wanted to check whether he is alright out of fear. Hearing his sound made him calm so he decided it is not needed to annoy him by meeting him.He felt so pathetic about himself. Jungkook's walking haltered as Yoongi called him from behind.

"Jungkook!!"He turned around and surprisingly asked

"You know my name?!?!"

"How can I not? You are the one who gave nothing but pain to Tae."Yoongi's voice is filled with venom and Jungkook unconsciously gulped at the remark. Why Yoongi referring him as a so bad character? Jungkook himself accepts that he made huge mistakes but he is not totally a jerk. He just realized that he can't have any healthy relationship with this man. Actually how Tae is living with him?Is there something between them?

"I am Yoongi and I want to talk with you. I will come to your office tomorrow."With that he left without waiting for any reply. Jungkook is also not an easy man. He can fight with anyone just for Tae. His mind got diverted with the upcoming call from Jin. He should go home first.

Yoongi came to the room after dealing with that asshole according to him. He welcomed with the most adorable scene in the world. Taehyung fell asleep while waiting and the sight is breathtaking. His brown locks softly laid on his forhead tempting Yoongi to remove them and place a kiss. He came closer and kneeled down near the bed to get a better view. Taehyung is breathing softly and this made him so cuddly. Yoongi's attention next went to his captivating lips. He had an huge urge to kiss them but he controled himself since  day 1. He can't do anything without his consent. He softly patted his head and smiled to himself thinking about Tae's  adorable works.Can't beleive this baby is going to have a baby. With so much effort he removed himself from Tae's spell and went to bed as he has a huge task tomorrow.

Next day arrived and we all know where we can find Taehyung and Hoseok. Ofcourse at caferia.As usual Hoseok is working mostly walking while Tae is making desserts.Taehyung just hoped to not to meet Jungkook today. It will be so hard if they begin to meet constantly.

"Don't think so much Tae. Just do what your heart is telling."Taehyung looked at the Hoseok who is smiling after saying the most easiest as well as most hardest thing in the world.Taehyung only replied with a smile not knowing what to say. These days he is totally unaware about what to do.

"Sir , Mr. Yoongi came."

"Let him in."Jungkook said calmly.Yoongi came to the cabin without even knocking and plopped onto the couch beside.Jungkook just stared at this mannerless man and asked

"I think you like coffee."

"Americano please."Yoongi just said making Jungkook pissed off with this man already.Jungkook made a quick call to the caferia to bring two iced americanos.

"Can you come here?"Yoongi asked showing the couch infront of him by his hand. Jungkook annoyingly stood up and came without any word. The atmosphere is already tensed.As soon as Jungkook sat Yoongi stated

"You should stay away from Tae."by crossing his arms on his chest.

"Why should I ? And why should I do as you told me? Who are you?"Jungkook asked feeling attaked at the moment.

"I am the one who cares about him. Go and ask him if you have doubt."Jungkook stood up and pulled his hand back out of frustration. How this man can order him around to stay away from his love?

"I will not and I will win him. This is a problem between us. You don't have to worry."Jungkook spatted controlling his anger.

"There's nothing called 'Us' now Mr. Jeon."Yoongi said with a slight smirk.

"Tae can you bring the dessert? I will go and give this first. We can't make everything late."Hoseok said being scared to be scold by Jungkook for being late.Taehyung noded and went back to his work with the hope of making them quickly. Afterall this is chairman's order.

"Listen. You know nothing about us. So don't interfere." Jungkook again stated.

"I know everything. You just used him."Yoongi said with a dark aura.

"I never used him. I truly loves him."Jungkook said in disbelief. Is this how Taehyung also thinking about  him?

"Love ? Are you serious?"Yoongi chuckled and continued

"It's not love bro. I think it is just an attraction. Attraction for his bo..."Jungkook grabbed his collar loosing all his  sanity and angrily yelled

" If you complete this sentence I never know if you are gonna survive."Yoongi just smirked and said

"Why? Are you afraid?Afraid about uncovering all your dirty secrets."

"Insult me as much as you want. But my love is pure."He said while gritting his teeth.

"Just tell this nonsense as long as you want.But I know why you want Tae."Yoongi slightly whispered at the end of sentence. This is the limit of Jungkook. So he landed a punch on Yoongi's face in which Yoongi also replied with a punch. Both of them began their fist fight to prove thier point at least like this.

Hoseok opened the door of cabin by his body as he is holding the tray only to met up with an action scene in a movie.He gasped at the mess and placed the tray carefully on the nearby table.He ran to the spot and tried to pull Yoongi out but they are like fierce wolves. Desparate to attack. He helplessly tried to keep them apart but no use. In the middle of all these chaos the door again opened but the fighting duo don't have a clue. Tae's breath stiffed seeing them like this and hurriedly walked towards them. There's no use of trying by physically so Tae shouted

"Stop this !!!!!JUST STOPP!!!"He can't control his own tears and can't understand why is he crying at the first place.

Yoongi and Jungkook both looked at Taehyung and with that chance Hoseok pulled Yoongi out. Taehyung's gaze lied on Jungkook and Jungkook also didn't tried to tear it apart. Tae walked closer to him and stood beside him. Jungkook closed his eyes and looked down unable to keep up with the stare.

Jungkook only felt Tae's hand on his face after a moment.


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