Chapter - 1

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More like an Introduction.....

Taehyung is still trying to recover from the shock by leaning against the wall. If he didn't see him earlier he might get caught. It is so dangerous when he is living in the same city with the person who he tried to hide.His phone rang loudly and he took it out to see the caller id.Taehyung facepalmed looking at it as he ran over here forgetting his friend in the shop. He answered the call eventhough it is hard to explain what happened.

"Tae where are you ? I just told you to stay beside the shop and now you are not here. You know it is so dangerous to wander here and there in this condition. You are still acting like a baby. You don't know how my heart stopped when your figure is not here. You can't even imagine. Now tell me where are you ? Pray for your ear and butt until I come. Hello.. Tae !Tae!Are you still here?"

He heard the soft giggles from the other side and a soft smile emerged in the latter's face imaging the said boy's cute face.

"Hobi hyung I am fine."Taehyung ultimately said recovering from giggles.

"I am on the other side of the road.Here."Tae waved at Hobi hyung siganling he is here. Hoseok signaled him to stay and crossed the road only to grab the ear of the younger.

Taehyung never thought he will find these two pretty souls when he decided to go away. The first month is a real torture for him. It was so hard to find food , a place to stay and he constantly worried about his baby. His and His love's baby. He always wanted to go back but controled himself imaging that He may be happy without him.Apart from all these his heart , his mind was not in good condition back then. He still cried into pillow desparately wanting to hold his lover. He still stayed infront the building just to get glimpse of his love. Due to his condition he craved his lover's touch , warmth more than before. But he withstand everything turning them into tears. He had to make up his mind lately because doctors told that his baby is weak due to his mental stresses. So he is trying so hard but it is still so hard because his heart called out only that name.

When it is barely one month after he left , Taehyung fainted on the road due to lack of food and mental unstability. On that day he found a true friend. A true friend who admitted him to the hospital. A true friend who invited him to live in his apartment until found a one eventhough he have to pay half of the rent.A true friend who helped him to find a job. Taehyung's Yoongi hyung. He is so silent but not with Tae. He helped him a lot so Tae is full of respect and gratitude towards him. Yoongi told him to stay until the baby comes because it is so dangerous to stay alone. He knew about his past as Taehyung had to tell him when he caught Tae crying alone.Yoongi is Hoseok's friend. Taehyung is working with him in a caferia and he always stay beside Tae not to overwork him. Hoseok hyung is also a great friend but he have no idea about Tae's past. Taehyung is also not so comfortable telling his story 'cause it is so sensitive for him.

Now it is already six months after he left and Taehyung never lived even a one day without thinking about his love.He craved for his kisses , bunny smile , scrunching nose more than before. Seems like love is only growing when time past. But he took a decision and will stay away from them for everyone's happiness but not him.

"This is a good news I guess."Hoseok said.

"What?"Both are now walking towards Yoongi's apartment.

"Our boss gave you a trasfer. Now it is so hard for you to move here and there."

"That means I am alone."Tae said with his infamous pout.

"No kiddo. I am also coming. Both of us."

"What is the place?"

"It is also a part of this caferia. Caferia of a company. It is not so busy in companies except in lunch time."

"Ohh then it is good."Tae said with a huge smile.Hoseok also returned it.

"What is the company ?"Tae asked.

"DREAM i guess Can't remember." Tae's eyes widen at the name because he knows it. He knows this company very well.

"Hyung can we cancel it ? It is better to be in familiar place."Tae almost pleaded.

"Can't Tae. It's boss's order."Hoseok said sadly.

They continued to walk but Tae is not even in his right mind. His emotions got overwhelmed and felt like crying.
He can't do that. He can't face that. Just with the hope of hearing another name Tae asked

"Who is the CEO of the company?"After asking he gulped and waited for the answer for an eternity. Time is also flowing slowly according to Tae.

"The Jeon Jungkook duhh"

Characters from old book..

Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Lee Jieun ( dead )
Jeon Hiro
Mrs. Lee
Kim Seokjin
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin

New characters....

- Min Yoongi
Friend of Taehyung , sharing apartment , photographer , always silent , caring , knows about Tae's past , have a crush on Tae but didn't voiced out yet.

- Jung Hoseok
Protective , cheerful , friendly , loves Yoongi since a long time but didn't confessed yet ( Tae knows about this), no idea about Tae's past and Yoongi's new crush

More characters will be introduced later with the book...

More characters will be introduced later with the book

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