Chapter - 7

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Again........It's me...

Eventhough it is a fresh start of a new day Taehyung didn't felt that excited. He is still stuck in yesterday events. He wants to control his mind wandering to the forbidden places like....Jungkook.His mind again diverted to the conversation he had with Jimin earlier day.

"Now he is acting like he is caring. I'm totally annoyed Jiminie."Tae said with a slight pout. He hates it. He hates that attention he gained which was unavailable at correct time.

"I said from the beginning. He is annoying and stupid."Jimin said shaking his head with a cocky smile.

"You can't talk to him like that."Tae said being unable to beleive his own words. Why is he even trying to defend that man?

"Tae , when we remove all these complicated things out for a while there's a simple thing there wandering."

"What?"Tae asked with wide eyes. He can't understand why Jimin all of a sudden talking as a fortune teller.

"He loves you. You love him."Jimin said and afterwards smiled loudly at other's expression. Taehyung can't smile because his mind echoed only one thing.

"He loves you. You love him."
But why?

"What are you talking Jimin?He has a family. He has a wife and a daughter."Taehyung tried desparately to prove his point. Jungkook and he can't be together.

"But he has you in his heart."Jimin again said with that same cocky expression.What is he trying to tell?

"Can we stop talking this?I don't want to talk about him. If you want go talk with him."Tae said being all annoyed with Jimin's words.He stood up and went into room after making an excuse from Jimin.Jimin just mumbled into himself

"I only want to see you all happy." with a small smile.

Taehyung also wants Jungkook and at the same time he hates him also.He loves Jungkook becuase of his warmth , soft eyes , comforting words , immense love and care. He hates Jungkook because of that slap , that ignorance , that unattentiveness. He don't know what he wants now. He can forgive him but he is afraid about what's gonna happen after that.With all these heavy thoughts he went out of the house to go to work. Hoseok said that he will directly go to caferia so Tae is all alone today. A loud honk sound heard behind made Tae flinched as he didn't expect it.

Taehyung went closer to car and his eyes widened realizing the owner. He turned back to go to bus stop but that man called him.

"Tae!!!"Taehyung closed his eyes feeling all angry.

"How many times should I tell you? Don't bother me. And it's not Tae for you Mr. Jeon."Taehyung spatted loudly.Jungkook doesn't want to give up without trying his best.Afterall this is Taehyung. He can go across any limit for him.

"Tae come. I will drop you."Jungkook said with a small smile.

"I don't like to even talk to you. So how you thought I will come with you?"Tae said sarcastically.

"So how are you going?"Jungkook asked seriously. Taehyung didn't reply anything as he learnt from Yoongi and walked to his pre planned destination , bus stop.

Taehyung so calmly sat on the bench in bus stop and waited until that annoying voice heard.

"How is my bouquet?"Jungkook asked with his never shading smile. He don't know why he can't stop smiling when he is with Tae.Taehyung simply ignored him  wanting to be free. Actually he is afraid to talk with Jungkook with the fear of that question ; Who is the father of this baby?

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